Part 39: See You Around

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I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. A sharp burst of pain proved I was awake. I laughed awkwardly, scooting away from Ryker, "Oh, I knew this wasn't a dream. I, uh, yeah um, I didn't mean any of what I just said."


"Then what did you mean?" Ryker growled.

My cheeks burned in embarrassment. I can't believe I just told Ryker I was in love with him. I wasn't even ready to admit it to myself yet!

"Just forget it," I mumbled.

"You're willing to forget what I said, too?" He sounded annoyed.

I replayed our whole conversation in my mind and froze when I got to the end of it. Ryker had told me he loved me.

"D-Do you love me?" I stuttered.

Ryker stood up from my bed, looking down at me.

"Just forget it," he glared, repeating what I had just said. Then he walked out of my room. I chucked a pillow at his retreating back. It slumped against the door he slammed behind him.

"Shit," I muttered.


A few days went by without any word from Ryker. He hadn't been to school at all since the night he left my bedroom. His duffle bag was no longer at my house and I had no recollection of when he would have been able to retrieve it.

Today was different, though.

I had woken up to a sticky note taped against my window that had a message scrawled in messy handwriting across it.

I figured it was best for the both of us if I left. I'm with my dad down in Florida so don't worry; I haven't gone missing or anything -Not that you would've been worried. Anyway, see you around, Angel.

It was signed by Ryker with a hasty scribble of a feather drawn next to his name.

What the hell?

How would he see me around if he was all the way down in freaking Florida?

I crumpled the note in my hand and dove in my closet. I yanked out an old backpack that I had abandoned a few years ago and I emptied the contents onto my floor.

Then I started shoving random clothes into the backpack, along with an extra pair of sneakers and undergarments. I dashed downstairs and filled the remaining space up with snacks.

I quickly wrote a note to my mom if she came home before me. She would be home Sunday night from her honeymoon with Christopher which gave me three days. Would I make it on time? My mom had said she would be taking the train home so I wouldn't have to be their source of transportation.

I threw the backpack around my shoulders, grabbed my keys, cellphone and charger, and a jacket. I locked the front door behind me and started up my car.

"Please enter a destination," my phone requested.

Ryker's note flashed through my mind.

"See you around, Angel."

Yeah, see me around, my ass. He wouldn't be seeing anything of me if he went out all the way to live with his father in the middle of nowhere.

Well, he had another thing coming because he would be seeing me far sooner than he expected.

"Florida," I answered to my GPS.

The End

This is where I had previously ended the story, but I've decided to continue it from this point!!! Look out for the next update for the continuation! :)

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