Part 32: Honeymoon

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A tap on my shoulder made me turn away from Ryker and Hannah to see who it was.

The guy I had kissed during spin the bottle stood behind me with his hand behind his neck. Then he jabbed his thumb over his shoulder, raising an eyebrow.

"Want to dance?" He asked.

I nodded and said, "Sure!"

His brown eyes warmed and he offered me his hand. I think I remember Ryker saying his name was Emanuel, but I wasn't sure. I laid my hand in his and his fingers tightened, helping me off the couch.

I heard a deep growl behind me and glanced over my shoulder to see what it was. Ryker glared, threateningly, at Emmanuel. His chin was resting on Hannah's head and he held her against him. Her face pressed right against the feather tattoo on his neck.

Emmanuel backed up a step with my hand still wrapped in his. Ryker's eyes flared and I flipped him off, dragging Emmanuel with me to the center of the dance floor. He looked a little flustered, but I easily started dancing around him and he loosened up.

I felt eyes on my back the entire time I danced with Emmanuel. So, I pressed myself right up against him. He rested his hands on my hips while I swayed to the music against him. I wished it wasn't Ryker's voice that I was dancing to, but the party was for him so it would only make sense to play his music at his farewell party.

Which it wasn't a farewell party anymore since he'd practically invited himself to stay at my house. I mean, I guess I did have some part in that decision...

"You're a good dancer," Emmanuel mumbled against my neck. I arched my head higher to give him more room. He laid his lips on my neck and his hands tightened on my waist, slipping lower. I swore I heard another growl. I smirked and rubbed myself against him even more.

"Let's get out of here," Emmanuel said. I nodded and he led us through the house. I caught Xander's eye while he was filling up cups of some type of liquid for Riley and himself. I motioned I was leaving with Emmanuel and Xander looked surprised for a second and then smiled. I waved.

We walked outside, down the long driveway and then down the wide street, to Emmanuel's car. He opened the door for me and I got in as he went around the front to the driver's side. We shut the doors at the same time and turned to each other.

Our faces gradually came closer until our lips were just barely touching, hovering over the consul in the middle of the car, separating our seats.

My phone buzzed, ruining the moment. I sat back down and pulled my phone out of my pocket, shooting Emanuel an apologetic look. He smiled and sat back.

I checked the screen. It was a text from my mom.

Come home. We need to talk.

I groaned, "Ugh, sorry Emanuel, I have to go home. You know how mom's are." I rolled my eyes.

"Uh, my name is Sebastian," he said awkwardly.

I coughed into my fist, "Oh crap. I meant Sebastian." I lied. Oops.

He laughed, "I'll take you home."

Sebastian carefully pulled out onto the street packed with cars. I felt bad making him leave early for my sake, but he didn't seem to mind. I told him directions to my house and we arrived in my driveway about ten minutes later.

I thanked him and apologized again, telling him I'd make up for it. He smiled, politely and drive away once I had shut the front door behind me. The light was on in the kitchen. My mom wasn't supposed to be home now. I dashed upstairs as quietly as I could and quickly changed into a t-shirt and sweatpants. I went downstairs and turned into the kitchen.

I did a double take when I saw Christopher sitting at the kitchen table.

"Have a seat, honey," my mom said. Her blond hair was hanging beautifully around her shoulders and Christopher was looking at her adoringly. She stood beside him and clasped her hands around his. Something bright flashed against the light in the kitchen as she moved her hands.

That was when I saw the ring on her left hand.

It wasn't the one from my father. I hadn't noticed when she took it off, but if I had to guess, it must have been around the time she met Christopher.

I remained standing. I couldn't move to even sit down.

My mom looked at me, full of hope.

"Christopher and I are getting married," she said, hesitantly. Christopher squeezed her hands and she stood up straighter, as if he gave her the confidence she needed.

My heart stopped and my breath hitched.

"Married?" I mumbled.

My mother visibly flinched at my tone. Christopher squeezed her hands again and started talking. She gave him a grateful look.

"Yes, Evangeline. I love your mother very much and I'd do everything for her. I'll keep her safe," he said.

I numbly pulled out a chair and collapsed in it as Christopher continued, "Our honeymoon is scheduled in Mexico for this Monday through Sunday."

I couldn't speak as my mother chimed in, "You can go stay with your grandma while we're gone, or you can stay here. I know you're a responsible young lady and you can take care of yourself. I have no worries."

I picked my head up and moved my eyes between them. I haven't seen my mother look at someone like that since my dad was alive. That was when it hit me; they really were in love.

I nodded, "I'll stay here."

"Are you sure?" My mom asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I can cook myself some meals and I won't do anything behind your back. Go have fun, mom...and Mr. Walker." I said.

My mom beamed at me and Christopher smiled.

"No parties, no drinking, no smoking-" My mom began.

I waved a hand, "I know, mom. And who would I have a party with? My only friend is Xander, oh and I guess Riley, too."

"Okay. I love you so much, Eve," My mom said, coming around the table to hug me. I hugged her back tightly and it was settled. In just a few days, my mom would be out of the country with her finacé.

I quickly turned away as a tear ran down my face. I excused myself and ran upstairs.

I threw myself down on my bed, and bawled silently into my pillow. My mom was marrying someone else. She finally moved on from my dad. I cried for my dad, and only my dad. I was happy that my mom was able to be strong and get through his death and even found a new love, but at the same time, it wasn't fair.

My dad was gone and he was never coming back. I know he'd want my mom to be happy and if that meant marrying another man, then my dad would be happy for her. That's the kind of guy he was.

I fell asleep right there while I was crying.


Something heavy landed on the bed beside me, jolting me awake. I scrambled to sit up and saw a huge duffle bag next to me. Then I picked my head up to see someone climbing through my open window.

I chucked a pillow at him and he knocked it out of the way, fully climbing in my room.

"I thought I'd start moving in now since I'm going to officially be kicked out of my house on Monday," Ryker said, dusting himself off.

Monday. The same day my mom would be leaving.

Coincidence? I think not.

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