Part 41: I've Fallen For You

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I was dead asleep on the couch when the sound of a car horn blaring from my driveway startled me awake. I rolled off the couch and yawned on my way over to the front door to see who could possibly be at my house. It was also dark outside so it must have been getting late. I swooped open the door, blinking rapidly to clear the haze from my sleep.

"Get in, loser," my best friend called from his car with his head of brown hair sticking out the window.

I rolled my eyes, yawning again as I strolled down the driveway to get in his car. "X," I whined once I was sitting beside him, "I don't wanna go."

I hadn't even realized that I was still wearing my crumpled clothes and my hair was a freaking mess. Ugh, whatever. There was nothing I could do about it now.

"Hey, don't act like you don't like their music. Remember that time when Ryker-"

I cut him off real fast, holding up a hand as he backed out of my driveway. "We do not speak of that name. Got it?"

Xander sighed, rolling his eyes. "Drama queen, much?" He muttered with a smirk. I playfully punched his arm and he grunted, "Ouch. That hurt."


"Language, Eve! Do you kiss Ryker with that mouth?"

I gawked at him as I felt my face turn an unattractive red color. "NO!" I crossed my arms over my chest and mumbled under my breath, "And the saying is, 'Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?'"

Xander took one hand off the steering wheel to wave it in the air as he said, "Minor details." I huffed out a breath of annoyance and turned my head to look out the window until we arrived at the club for teenagers. Xander and I got out got of the car and walked inside The Hangout.

It was crowded tonight since Two-Strings would be playing and people were already gyrating to the music booming out from the huge speakers in front of the DJ. I looked around at what everyone was wearing, or wasn't wearing for that matter, and looked down at myself.

To say I looked like a hot mess was an understatement if there ever was one. I hoped that no one from school would be here to see me like this, but I knew better than to think that I was the only from my school who was here.

"I need to use the men's room, I'll be right back," Xander said, laying a hand on my shoulder. I twisted my head to look up at him and asked, "Why didn't you go at my house when you picked me up?" He shrugged, replying, "I didn't have to go."

I held up both of my hands and shoved him away from me. "Woah there, buddy. TMI."

He chuckled to himself and headed over to the bathrooms, leaving me alone. I decided to head over to the bar to draw as little attention as possible and order a soda. I took a seat on one of the bar stools and took a sip of my drink when I heard someone's voice who made my ears bleed. 

"What is she wearing?" Tracey Evans hissed from behind my back. I rolled my eyes, taking another sip of my soda as I ignored her.

"It's probably one of her weird emo band shirts," Hannah Schmitt sneered. That's it. One did not make fun of Black Veil Brides and get away with it.

I spun around and smirked, fully aware of the fact that I looked worse from the front. "Well if it isn't Fake Pumpkin and Hannah the Hoe," I drawled, lazily leaning my elbows back on the counter. Tracey gasped as her cheeks turned pink and Hannah puckered her lips, looking at my hands as I folded them in my lap.

"What's that?" She asked, narrowing her eyes on my wrist.

I glanced down to see what she was looking at and held up my arm for her to see. "Oh this?" I asked, playing stupid. "This is just a tattoo that Ryker gave me. We even have matching feathers now. See?" I pointed at the feather Ryker had drawn at the end of the word Mine.

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