A life of love..

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(Sonic POV)

WHY ME?! Why does he have to be here?.. At least he hasn't noticed me yet. His back was at me as he lifted a dumbbar up above his head. I tried to read how much he lifted but couldn't tell. But it did look like more then knuckles could ever lift. I walked slowly by and watched him. He must of noticed and rested the weight on his shoulders and looked over at me. I blushed and looked away. I walked faster away and went to the track. How come I have this period with him?

He is older than me. I was only 17. Isn't he like 18 and was a senior?

I tried to get my mind off of him while running. I was so busy in my thoughts. I didn't notice that I was about to run into anyone.

(Shadow POV)

A loud smack sound echoed in the gym. Everyone stopped and stared at someone. I couldn't tell who it was. Someone was yelling and all I could see was Scourge. I tried to push through people to see what that idiot was doing. Back in the beginning of school, that dumbass tried to mess with me a bit, Or at least he tried to get me to join his crew. I declined but did notice something about someone. There was a guy slightly shorter than me, yet he looked a lot like me. He seemed very familiar.

I saw at last second Scourge getting slapped. This pissed him off. Sonic was the one who slapped Scourge. I saw Scourge's fist clutched, I shoved people out of the way. I ran as fast as I could, only jumping in front of Sonic last second. I blocked Scourge full force punch, aimed to my face. I was almost knocked over but was able to hold it together. I heard Scourge gasp and pull away. I let a low growl out and slowly looked back at him. He slowly back away as I heard others gasp and coward. I felt dizzy from the hard impact until someone put a hand on my shoulder. I looked back to see Sonic concerned. The teacher came running and got Scourge. I wobbled a tad, til Sonic offered the teacher to take me to the nurse. He hooked an arm around my waist and pulled my arm over his shoulder. We slowly walked to the nurse.

"You didn't have to do that Shadow.." I looked at him. He was looking at the ground as we walked.

"I just felt like I had to... I don't why.. But I wanted to." I rubbed the side of my face. I hope I don't get in trouble at home. Chloe was going to be concerned when I get home.

".... Thank you.." I looked at Sonic, shocked. He gave me a slight smile and I smiled back.

We got to the nurse, and she looked at me. She gave a small gasp.

"Shadow, what happened?" She took me away from Sonic, sitting me on the bed.

"He took a punch for me." Sonic sat in a chair, looking at me.

"Oh wow, a real gentleman." She smiled. I blushed and looked away. She gently touched the now forming bruise on my face. "This should just be a bad bruise, maybe giving you a black eye at the most. This should only last a week or more. Now that I looked at this one, Take off your shirt off." She put her hands on her hips.

"W-what?" I was shocked before she spoke again.
"I want to look at your other bruises and cuts. So, take your shirt off." She turned to Sonic. "And you can stay too Sonic." She gave a sweet smile. He gave back the small sweet smile. I slowly took off my shirt. Scared to show the bruises my foster parents did to me. I had a few cuts now and they were just now healing. I laid on my stomach as she wanted to check and clean my wounds. If she knew I have had worse cuts then this, she would flip. I decided to keep my stories of being stabbed and cut badly to myself. I was surprised I don't have many scars from that. I sighed and felt like sleeping. The last thing I saw was Sonic sitting in a chair. Everything faded to black.

I woke up later to someone shaking my shoulder. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Sonic staring at me. My senses were slowly coming back and I felt a cold feeling on my cheek. I slowly sat up as the ice pack fell.

I picked up my shirt and put it on. Sonic stared at me the whole time. I couldn't help but blush a tad. The nurse walked in as I rubbed my cheek.

"How are you feeling Shadow?" I shrugged. "Well I let you sleep the rest of the day, so it's time to go home guys." She just gave a sad smile. I didn't do anything but stand up.

"I got your stuff Shadz." Sonic handed me my backpack. I just took it and walked out. I heard the nurse sigh and Sonic followed. I just slowly walked out. "I can walk you home if you want?" Sonic asked as I held the door open for him.

"How about I take you home and I'll go home by myself. I got to get to work soon anyway." I walked to the parking lot as he followed. I walked over to a motorcycle with him. It's not the best looking or that good. But it does help me get around.

After getting my stuff put in the case of the bike, I finally started it up.

"Where do you live?" Sonic sat, holding me around the waist. After getting directions, I pulled out of the parking lot. For a bit, Sonic and I just sat in silence.

"Where do you work?" I felt Sonic grip onto my jacket tight as I sped up. He must have never been on a motorcycle.

"I just work at a restaurant. I just really do a few nights a week. I just got it. I don't remember the name.." I shifted a bit. "But it's a new place just around the corner."

"Oh okay, I'll have to stop by one time then." I just gave a small smile, I knew he couldn't see it. "Here comes my stop." I pulled up to the driveway and felt his hand slip something into my pocket. He just got up and ran up to his house. "Bye Shadow! See ya at school." He disappeared into his house as I pulled out whatever he put inside my pocket. I found a piece of paper and like twenty bucks. Stupid idiot.. he didn't have to give me money. I must of gotten his number as well. Cool, I guess. I just slowly pulled out and drove away. I just wish he didn't know about my foster parents..  

(Here You go guys. Sorry for the LONG wait, I just lost inspiration for a bit. 
I need help again, I need a name for Shadow's restaurant he works at and a name for the Nurse that cares for him. Please help, and I will try to continue to work on this.)

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