Something to Tell You..

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Chapter 26

(Shadow's POV)

I wonder what Sonic wants from me. I thought he was gonna hang out with his friends today. I guess he wanted me to come. Oh well, if he wants me to meet him after school then I was going to meet him.

I sighed, leaning back in a chair. I was off on break from the military, and had nothing to do. I was bored, waiting around for Sonic all day. I had a few hours to kill before I had to be at the park, and just watched t.v. with Uncle Chuck.

Sonic's brother was home sick today, but he still did his homework. He sure was a smart kid. I just groaned slightly, bored, causing Uncle Chuck to look at me.

"What's bothering you son?" He sat up and acted like a father would, or father-in-law. Or whatever he is to me now.
"It's nothing. I'm just bored sitting around all day. I been use to doing something all day, but since I'm on a holiday break sort of thing, I've just been sitting around all day." I sighed, "And now, I'm just waiting till Sonic gets out of school."
"Oh, well. What do you want to do while you wait? I have some house chores if you want to help." I only smiled.

"What are they? I'll do them for you. You've done so much for me already." He sighed and shook his head. Uncle Chuck gave me a list of chores for me and I got them done.

I checked the clock, to find school was already over. Crap! I quickly rushed, grabbing my keys on the way.

"Where are you going?" Tails asked, a blanket wrapped around him. He must of just woken up.

"Going to the park to meet Sonic. I'll see you guys later." I quickly walked out, and hopped on my bike. I drove as fast as I could, without going over the speed limit, to get my way to the park. I hope he wasn't waiting too long..

(Sonic's POV)
Knuckles dropped me off at home, we had to cancel our plans for tonight. He got really busy, and couldn't hang out tonight, something with family?
I gave a heavy sigh, dropping my really heavy backpack at the door. I was glad I was home, I wanted to rest, and spend the evening with Shadow. I searched around the house, not finding him anywhere.. Where the hell did he go? He usually waits for me..

"Geez Sonic.. You scared the socks off of me." Uncle Chuck jumped, bumping into me around a corner. He sighed.

"Sorry Uncle Chuck.." I rubbed the back of his neck. "Hey, have you seen Shadow around?" I felt my phone buzz, but ignored it for now.

"He said he was meeting you at the park." Tails coughed, standing behind Uncle Chuck. "He left about ten minutes ago."
"I never told him to meet me at the park..." I quickly pulled my phone out.

'Hey, where are you?... I've been waiting at the park near the school.' What the hell? I looked at our earlier messages, seeing texts I never type. My eyes widen, slowly realizing.

"I need to get to the park.." My eyes were wide with horror. I remember seeing Scourge walk out of the locker room, smirking about something. He knew my combination, I had to change it three times this year already..
"What's wrong son...?" Uncle Chuck put a hand on my shoulder.

"I gotta get to the park. Now!" I rushed outside. "Scourge is going to kill my boyfriend!"

(Shadow's POV)

-Few minutes earlier-

I groaned, sitting on a bench, waiting for Sonic. I texted him where he was at, but he still didn't answer. I was about to leave until I heard something walking. I even texted Mephiles, asking if Sonic was with Silver or something, but no.

"There you are.. I was getting worried.." I turned to the person walking up, only to freeze. "Scourge... Why are you covered in blood?..." I slipped off the bench, backing away from him.

"Oh no reason.. Shadzy~" He let out a weird laugh, before taking a deep breath. "I've been waiting for this moment since I've met you~" He let out this weird sing-song voice.

"What are you talking about? What are you doing?" He slowly walked towards me, giving of a wicked smile.

"I'm goin' to kill you~ Sonic will finally be mine~" Scourge laughed, clearly lost his mind.

"You're insane! Sonic will never love you!" Scourge stopped walking, stop smiling, he just stopped moving completely. His face show no emotion. I watched as his fist clench, slowly dropping his head.

"YOU'RE WRONG!" He lunged towards me. "SONIC WILL BE MINE!" I tried to block him, only for him to over power me. He swepped my legs, trapping me under him. I felt his hand gripped around my neck. My eyes widen in fear, h-how could he get this strong?! "Blue does love me! You just got in the way!!"
"ACk!" He tighten his grip around my neck. I struggled under him, but I couldn't shake him off. I saw pure hatred in his eyes. He wanted me dead. I gasped, trying to get any sense of oxygen into my burning lungs. My eyes blurred and my head ached. My gripped weaken, my vision faded until I felt the pressure released.
"Ah ah Ahhh~ I can't have you dying yet Shadzy~..." I gasped and coughed, trying to get as much as I could back in my lungs. I was breathing heavily until Scourge began punching me. "This is what you get for beating me up all those time!" He yelled, punching harder each time he struck down. I hack up blood, feeling like my bones were being broken. Finally, he stopped punching me. I gasp for air, and tried to focus on anything in sight. He brushed his hand against my face. "Shh~ It's okay Shadow... It will be over... Eventually~" A wicked smile grew across his face. I gasped as I felt a sharp pain in my lower abdomin. I used all of my strength, just to toss him off. I gagged, looking down. Shit.. I slowly pulled the knife out, holding in my pain..

"Y-You're fucking i-insane.." I gasped, standing up. Scourge only laughed, slowly getting louder.

"I know!~ And I love it~" He said in a sing-song tone, slowly rising from his spot.

"Y-You'll pay for this...." I growled, turning the knife to him, ready to kill him. But I knew.. I wasn't going to win this fight. Scourge slowly walked over to me, I use all my strength, just to slice his shoulder. He laughed, ignoring the pain. Scourge grabbed my neck, slamming me against a tree. Not feeling him stabbing my chest and abdomen multiple times..

"SCOURGE!! STOP!!" I heard someone scream at the top of their lungs. Next thing I know, Scourge was tackled down. I couldn't tell who did it, and slowly fell to my knees. I felt something warm against me. I gasped, trying to focus on whoever was holding me.

"C-Calm down baby.. E-Everything's going to be alright." I smiled, hearing my lover's voice.

"S-Sonic..." I gently caressed his face, wiping away his tears. "I-I have s-something to tell y-you.."   

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