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Chapter 6

I walked my motorcycle up to my home as I looked up at the sky. Since I was about to head to work, I just put out the kickstand. I walked in and saw that my foster family were already eating. I just went upstairs to change for work. The clothes were kind of 'sexy' for just being a restaurant. I guess it to get people to come. The place had mainly guys working and not many girls. It was a lot like a bar too, now that I think about it. The place I work at is called Angel walk. I slowly came downstairs and walked to the kitchen. I quickly grabbed a snack and walked out to the front door. My foster parents didn't even notice me as I walked by. Good. I put on my jacket on and walked out.

After getting to work, I walked to through the back door. I took my jacket off and hanged it. I clocked in and felt someone walk up behind me.

"Hey Shadow~" I looked at the small girl. Her white hair was pulled up in a ponytail.

"Hello Rouge." I just patted her head as I walked past her. She smiled and walked after me. "Shouldn't you be working?" I looked down at her as she stopped. I washed up as she leaned against me.

"I'm on break, got a few minutes left." She gave me a big smile. I quickly pulled away from her, making her almost fall. "H-Hey! Jerk!" Rouge crossed her arms and gave a big 'hmph' sound. I chuckled at her and walked off to start my shift.

After a few hours of girls and guys getting drunk, hitting on me, and giving me a bunch of money, I finally got off my shift. It was only night at night. I was greeted by Rouge handing me food. I just set it aside and started to pull the money out of my belt of my pants. Yes, the women were drunk, gave me tips by putting it in my belt. I must of made a lot of money tonight.
"Eat Shadow." She shove the food at me again. I sighed and gave up. I finally started to eat and she smiled. I was pretty hungry anyway. "Can I get a ride home? Knux can't pick me up, and I don't have my car." I nodded as I ate and she hugged me. Rouge looked at me and then was concerned. "Hey, why do you have a black eye? I just noticed." I rubbed my cheek.

"Got punched by Scourge. Now he is scared of me, he thinks I'm gonna kill him." She sighed.

"Why did he punch you?" She brushed her hair out of her face.

"I blocked it from hitting Sonic. Blue boy slapped Greeny and got pissed. He was about to hit him and I got in the way just in time." I was finished eating and started to clean up as Rouge got her stuff together. I slowly walked out to my bike as Rouge caught up. She waited till I sat down and started my bike to sit behind me.

After getting her home, decided to take a long way home. I really didn't want to go home tonight.. I just wanted to stay away. Slowly but surely I got home. Everyone was asleep. Thank god.. I got to my room and just started to pack clothes for tomorrow. I didn't know what I was doing but I did it. I quietly sneaked back downstairs to outside. I sneaked my bike down the driveway and started it. Drove towards the park near the school. Hopefully I can get a good night sleep...

(Sonic POV)

I was walking to school, by the park, when I saw Shadow's motorcycle. What was that doing here?... I walked to his bike to see someone sleeping on the bench. What the hell? Shadow?! Why is he sleeping out here? I gently touched his shoulder, only to be knocked down. Shadow was standing over me. I felt my cheeks warm up. He seem to realized it was me and step down.

"Oh.. Sorry Blue." He help me up. I dusted off as I looked up at him.

"How come you're out here?" I noticed his black eye was starting to come in bad. It wasn't really swollen, that's good. He just shrugged and looked away. He grabbed his stuff and started to walk pass me. He grabbed his bike and started to walk out of the park. "Hey, wait up." I hurried to his side. We walked in silence for awhile. "Did you run away from home?..." I saw him tense up.

"...Yeah. I don't know why I did.." I saw Shadow look down and I sighed.

" It's okay Shadz." I tried to give him a sweet smile to cheer him up.
"Let's just get to school." He just walked faster.

After we got to school, Shadow went and changed. I felt bad for him.. He seems distant today and upset. I hope I can cheer him up today.

(Shadow POV)
Sonic left to go with his friends and I was alone. I really just want to be alone.. As I was walking, someone bumped into me. I quickly turned around to see the stupid pink haired girl.
"O-oh, sorry Shadow. I didn't mean to bump into you. Oh, How come you have a black eye?.." She was about to touch my cheek until I slapped her hand away. She was shocked and stared at me.

"Don't touch me. Leave me alone." I gave her a death glare and walked away. I just sighed. I don't want talk to anyone or do anything.. I just don't want to go home.. I know I'm going to be beat to a pulp if I do go home. Slowly I walked to class. As I passed by, people stared at me. They all looked scared of me, good. I wasn't here to make friends. I just wanted to get this school year done with. I can then finally move out and get my own home. I can't wait for that, to finally move out, get a better job, I don't know what I'm going to do when I get to college. I have to think about that all this year and just pass college. At least I wouldn't have to be with my foster parents. Just thinking about that, makes me feel so much better.
As I got into class, everyone was staring at me. They must of knew about Scourge punching me. I walked pass and people shifted away. I didn't care what these people think of me, I just go on with life... even if it brings me pain.

Classes flew by, and I just went on with the day. I spent time with Sonic. It was now the final period of the school. My was a free class, so I didn't have anything to do other that be in the library. I don't want to go home yet..  

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