New truths

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Chapter 18

(Silver's POV)

I sighed at Mephiles. That was the fifth time he had to resew today. It gets looser faster each day. I saw Mephiles messing with his jaw.

"Stop moving it so much, it will fall again." I bumped his arm, and tried to stay focus on the road.

"I'm just trying to get it back in place. I messed it up, cause you hit a bump." He snapped. Gosh. I sighed and shifted in my seat.

"Not my fault this road is messed up..." I sighed again. I just want to go to bed. I tried to go faster.

"You're going over the speed limit." Meph was looking out the car window. I rolled my eyes and slowed down a bit.
"I just want this night to be over with." Mephiles made a 'hmph' sound.

"Gonna get a speeding ticket driving like that." I groaned. He's being such a smart-ass. I tighten my grip on the wheel. Just calm down Silver, he's just being a butt. That's all, he's just tired like I am. 

"Watch the road." I groaned louder. 

"Will you please be quiet. All I was trying to do was help you! God!" I pulled over to the side of the road and rested my head on the wheel. I sighed and heard Mephiles shift in his seat. "Sorry..." I rested my eyes for a few before pulling back out on to the road.

"Sorry Silv... I don't know what came over me.." I looked over at him, seeing that he was staring out the side. I sighed and reached over to him. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. We drove in silence before making it home.

He has been acting strange ever since Shadow moved here. Since he's been here, Mephiles has watched Shadow a lot. To be honest they did look a lot like now, as I pictured them in the hospital. I replayed the scene over and over in my head. Meph hasn't really told me of his past. He said he used to have an older sister and brother. That his sister lived with their grandfather, but he never gave me their names... I stared at the ceiling of our bedroom, not being able to sleep from thinking so much.

"Hey Mephy..." I heard a slight grunt. "Is Shadow your older brother you told me about...?" I felt Mephiles shift and tense.

"Where did you hear Silver?..." His tone gave of a hint, that I was correct. I rolled to my side, and stared into his pale emerald eyes.

"Both of you are fosters, and Shadow remembers a sister living with his grandfather. And... you two have very similar features.." Mephiles sighed, confirming I was correct. 

"Yes... But he had amnesia since he was a kid. He would only remember tragic events. Such was our parents, sister and grandfather dying. He doesn't remember me or really know who I am. But I think he is starting to remember me." He shrugged. I was confused..

"Why haven't you told him? Why keep acting so strange?" He didn't look at me.

"Because... I don't want to cause him more pain..." His eyes showed he was hurt, just thinking about their past was hard for him. "We had enough pain. Plus with Shadow's fosters... Sonic seems to be the only one who helps Shadow be his true self." He gave a heavy sigh. " I don't want to mess it up... Please.. Don't tell him..." By this point I felt my heart sank as I saw my boyfriend on the verge of crying. This is why he says the past didn't matter. I pulled him close to try to comfort him. Only feeling that I was about to cry too.

"I promise..." Was the last this I whispered before we both fell asleep, waiting for tomorrow.

(Shadow POV)

I was let out of the hospital in the morning, I didn't have a ride home, and I was at least an hour and a half away from home. Great... I jumped as I felt my phone vibrate. 'You out yet?' the text read from sonic. Quickly texting back 'yes' he said his uncle would be there soon.

I waited outside the hospital, holding Sonic's jacket that he left me that night, waiting until his uncle pulled up to me. He gave a big cheery smile as I made my way to him. He told me hop up front.

"Hello sonny boy." He started to drive out while smiling. "How bout we go to your foster's first, then I could take you to school?" He saw me tense at my fosters. "Don't worry, I was gonna ask if I got permission to gain guardianship over you. So you can move in with me."

"You don't have to do this. I--" He rose his hand to shut me up, but only cause me to flinch horribly. He didn't know about what my father and mother did. He stared at me with confusion and sadness. "S-sorry..." I was ashamed.

"You really think I would hit you sonny?" I just sighed, waiting to get home. "I would never hurt you or any child." He sighed when I gave no response.

We arrived at my house, I rushed in. I tried to get in as fast as I could before I got stopped by my foster dad.

"Where the hell have you been?!" He looked really pissed off, I felt like a child compared to him. I froze, not know what to do. "Answer me Shadow! Where the hell were you?!!"

"I-I... was in the hospital..." He only growled at his answer. "I got in a fight..." Remembering the fight, It brought Shadow rage.. " I---" Shadow felt a large smack, making him fall to the ground, dazed.

"You lazy piece of trash for a son! Always getting into fights!" His foster dad raised his fist to bring it back down on him. Causing him to curl up and awaited the hit, only for it not to come.

"Maybe he's always getting into fights because of the way his fosters treat him!" I heard Uncle Chuck yell in my fosters face. I watched as my fosters face froze in fear, as Uncle chuck caught him hitting me. "Shadow go grab your things... We are leaving." I quickly got up and ran as fast as I could, packing my few things. I couldn't pack all my clothes but grabbed most of it and left anything without importance to me. At last second I grabbed a small black box from my dresser and rush back downstairs. Uncle Chuck was yelling at my fosters, Bill trying to calm him down. "Give me the guardianship and I might not report this." He put his hands on his hips as my foster mother quickly went to get the papers. He took them from her and put a gentle hand on my shoulder, walking me out. I trembled in fear and happiness, not knowing what to feel. I put all my belongings in the trunk, slowly realizing that this was actually happening. Uncle Chuck started the car as I got in and drove off. That might of just been the last time I would see that horrible house. I couldn't help my emotions and just lost all control, I cried with joy. I was away from those people. Uncle Chuck gave my knee a squeezed as he smiled.

"Thank you... So much... I don't know how to repay you..." I gripped the box in hand, holding it close.

"No need to repay sonny, just make sure you take care of my nephew" He smiled. I nodded in reply and gave him a true smile. " You can stay home today from school, since with all that has happened. You must be tired." I nodded as he traveled him home.. No OUR home. It was still time before school, so Sonic should still be home. This day was actually getting better by the second, I haven't realized the newly formed bruise from my fost- from Bill until now. I just smiled as I knew I wouldn't have to see them ever again.

We pulled up and I grabbed my stuff from the back and walked in after Uncle Chuck. Sonic was brushing his teeth as we walked in. I smiled as he looked at me, carrying my bags in. His eyes slowly beamed and he pulled me into a tight hug.

"You're finally moving in?!" He looked up at me only to see the newly formed bruise, looking concerned. "What happened?"

"Never mind that, I won't ever have seem them again." I dropped my stuff off at his room. "I'm not going today.." He nodded, understanding, as he continued to brush his teeth. I couldn't help but smile. I just slowly walked over to his bed and flopped down. I nuzzled my head into his pillow, breathing in his scent. I gave a long sigh, and slowly fell asleep as I felt someone rubbing by back, in a soothing motion.

It had to be at least noon or one by the time I woke up. I slowly got out of Sonic's comfy bed and walked down the stairs. I heard the tv on in the living room, walking to the noise while rubbing my eyes. I found Uncle Chuck passed out, holding the remote on his chest. Quiet snores came from him, I just smiled at his sleeping form. Sighing with happiness, I walked back up to Sonic's room, knowing that we shared the room. I just wanted to breath his scent in all day, know that I could be with him all the time. I forgot what it was like having a true family, that I didn't realized I was slowly sitting down on the bed, my vision faded to black.  

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