What's wrong?

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Chapter 16

(Shadow POV)

I was waiting outside of Sonic's house, waiting for him to come out for school. I wasn't really allowed to drive with my arm in a cast, but oh well. The door opened and Sonic ran towards me. I just smiled as he sat behind me. He rested his head on my shoulder, as we pulled out of his driveway.

"Hey Shadow.. Since your eighteen, can't you pick where you want to live?.." Sonic question.

"Um.. Yeah, I guess." I looked over my shoulder at him. "Where are you going with this?"

"I was thinking about, you moving in.. My uncle is fine with it, and if you're okay with it." I sighed as he talked about this. I would love to do that, but I didn't know. I guess I should do it, since I mean nothing at my house. Sighing, I finally made up my mind.

"Sure.. But is it really okay?.. I mean, I don't want to be a bother at your house." 

"Of course not Shadow! Your welcome into my home anytime! My uncle really likes you" I just chuckled at how excited he was about me moving in. He squeezed up against me and and rested his head against my neck. I couldn't help but blush at feeling his warm breath against my neck. I just shook my head and tried to focus on driving. I just couldn't stop thinking about moving in with Sonic. Sighing, I nudged his head as we pulled in the parking lot. I hate keeping secrets from Sonic, but I couldn't tell him this one.

By lunchtime, I couldn't find Sonic. Maybe he was called into the office. I just waited by the table we usually sit at, watching the people come into lunch. I saw Scourge walking towards me, I did a quick turn in my seat and got up. As I was just about to get away, Scourge grabbed my arm. I yanked away and turned.

"What do you want?" I growled at him. He gave a cocky smirk.

"I just wanted to say hi, that's all." I just rolled my eyes.

"Great. You said hi. Leave me alone." I was just about to walk away again. "Get out of my way."

"Nah.. I think I'm gonna stand 'ere." He gave that stupid cocky smirk again. I chuckled. "What's so funny?"

"You're just mad that I stole Sonic from you, aren't you?" That really ticked him off. Because before I knew it, I was down on the ground with Scourge.

(Sonic's POV)

I was extremely confused when I heard shouting from the lunchroom. What was all the fuss about? As I approached, I saw everyone swarmed around an area. I quickly looked around, but Shadow wasn't anywhere. I rushed as fast as I could to the crowd, only to see Shadow and Scourge fighting. The hell?! I shoved through the crowd, just to pull Shadow away from kill Scourge. Both of them were badly beaten up. Great Shadow.. Now you're gonna get in trouble. I sighed and held Shadow back with all my strength until teachers and the officer came over. They picked up Scourge and he just brushed himself off. He was used to being taken to the office. I only loosened my grip a tad, when Shadow launched out of my arms and tackled Scourge. An officer pulled Shadow off and slammed him hard on the ground. He instantly stop struggling. Shadow got cuffed and roughly picked up. Blood was dripping down his face. He didn't look at me and just shrugged his shoulders.

"Ey.. This was my fault. Just take 'em to the nurse." I was shocked at first, Scourge had never been like this. The officer gave a quick look to the teacher, then sighed. He uncuffed him and started to cuff Scourge. He just spit blood at the people standing around us. I heard some of the girls scream. I quickly looked at Shadow, as he fell. I gasped as caught him before he could hit his head. I could just see how badly they beaten each other. I heard someone yell for an ambulance. I was just frozen in shock. I couldn't move or think but study Shadow's face. He looked so relaxed, as if he was almost sleeping or... no.

Shortly after, the ambulance had arrived and took away Shadow. We were told to continue with our day, but I just felt empty.  

Sonadow:Not Every Story is Happy#Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now