Beating Senseless

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Chapter 7

The final bell rang, everyone was rushing out of school. Friday, everyone was excited for the weekend. They were all eager to get home except for me. I slowly walked as everyone shoved out the door. What was with the rush?

I saw Sonic hanging out with his yellow haired brother. I didn't want to bother him and just went to go home. I was scared.. I was actually scared, I knew I was going to get beaten when I get home. I was scared out of my mind. Slowly getting to my bike, Sonic looked over. I tried not to make eye contact and just drove away. He looked upset at me. Hopefully, He won't be mad at me for ever.

I drove slowly up to my home, not wanting what was waiting for me. I slowly walked in and immediately getting yelled at. It's great to be home...

(Sonic POV)

It was hard to keep up with Shadow, but I finally got to his house. I was completely out of breath by the time I was at his driveway. I was surprised by hearing screaming inside. I slowly walked up to his home as I heard the screaming and yelling. I was scared to just knock on the door. Slowly, I knocked on the door, hearing the shouting calm down. Slowly the door opened, causing me to gasp in shock. Shadow looked like he was hit by a car. One of his eyes were now swollen shut.

"W-What the hell?!" Shadow eyes widen.

"W-what are you doing here Sonic..?" His voice was quiet. Someone slowly appeared behind him.

"Who is at the door Shadow?" A deep voice came from the slightly taller guy. He gave a bright smile and put hand on Shadow's shoulder. "Hello, who are you?"

"M-my name is Sonic sir. I'm a friend of Shadows.." He just kept smiling.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Bill Covak, Shadow's foster dad. If you wanted to hang out with Shadow, I'm sorry. He can't today.." He gave a small pat on Shadow's shoulder. "Maybe next time. Tell your friend goodbye Shadow."

"Bye Sonic.." With that they shut the door. I was too shocked to do anything. Slowly walking away, I thought about Shadow. His expression was completely terrified. He was scared of his foster father. Slowly walking down the road, I felt my phone vibrate. Pulling it out, I saw a unknown number texted me. The message just showed 'Why were you at my house?'. It must have been Shadow.

'I just wanted to check up on you. You just seemed really distant today.' I sighed as I texted him back. Why was he being like this? Why was he being so distant to me? He didn't answer back. Sigh.. Why can't he just go back to normal.. Maybe tomorrow he'll be different. I just want to get home.

The next day

I got a text from Shadow to meet him in the park. I had to go, maybe he changed. I couldn't let this go up. I was now sitting on a bench, waiting for him. What does he want to talk about? I couldn't help but think about how distant he was. Just two days ago, he was so happy. If only Shadow didn't have to live with those horrible people. Maybe I could get Shadow to move out of his foster's house to live with me. I doubt he'll agree at first.

"hey there~" A voice broke me out of my train of thought. Someone was standing over me, having a huge smirk. My eyes widen as I realized who it was, Scourge. I tried to bolt but only to be caught by the shirt. "Where do you think your going Blue?~" He pulled me close, so close our faces were almost touching. Great..

"I was just leaving idiot. Let me go." I broke out of his grip. He just gave a huge smirk at me. Great, Scourge being a pervert. I wanted to leave, but Shadow wanted to meet here. Where was he? "What do you want Scourge?"

"I was just walking by when I saw something handsome looking~ Heh~" He came closer to me as I took a step back. Come on Scourge, leave me alone. Why won't he leave me alone.
"Just leave Scourge." I caused him to frown.

"Why should I? Waiting for someone?" He gave a low growl. " If its Shadow, I swear-"

"If its Shadow, I swear what Scourge?" Almost laughing, I saw Scourges facial expression went from pissed off to scared in a second flat. Shadow was standing with his arms crossed. Scourge slowly turned to Shadow.
"Nothin', Whoa. What happened to you?" Scourge looked Shadow up and down. Shadow just shrugged.

"None of your business now is it, Scourge? Now how about you leave." Shadow put his hands into his pockets and showed no emotion.

"Heh, What does your daddy beat you?~" Scourge smirked and laughed. The next thing I knew was Shadow was on top of SCourge, beating him senseless. Shadow's face showed absolute rage.   

(Sorry its a little short. The story will be moving more then it is right now. I need some ideas)

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