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Chapter 13

Scourge smirked at me. "So who is he?" He looked me up and down.

"Um. No one. I didn't mean to say that." I crossed my arms. "Even if I would be dating someone, It wouldn't be you." He didn't even seemed fazed. I sighed.

"You know you wanna, tell me. Heh" Why was he such a flirt. " Or you could date me?~" I groaned.

"I will NEVER date YOU." I just walked away from him. He growled and stomped away. Sighing, I just did whatever until gym was over. Sighing, I can't believe I told Scourge I had a boyfriend. So now he won't leave me alone. Great. I was thinking about that until someone grabbed my shoulder. I jumped and quickly turned around. I relaxed when I saw who it was. That got it was only Shadow. I just smiled at him. He gave me a crooked smile, making me blush.

"Hey, you alright? I saw Scourge messing with you." I loved it when he is worried for me. He's such a sweetheart. I just nodded. He sighed. "When will he leave you alone. Gosh." I shrugged.

"Never.. I also might of told him I was dating..." I looked down as I spoke. Shadow just ruffed my head.

"Oh well. We can't keep us a secret forever.." I smiled at him and hugged him. Not caring who saw us now. Class was ending and we went to change. I didn't know about that large scar Shadow had. I really never noticed it before. Shadow was about to leave until I stopped him. He looked at me confused.

"Shadow, you should come over tonight.. Just to hang out or something... You're worrying me." Shadow sighed a bit.

"I'll try to stop by, but you know..." I sighed and nodded. I was shocked when he kissed my forehead. I just smiled at him. We walked into the locker room and changed. I still wonder how Shadow got that scar. It looked like it was newly formed. I also noticed new scars on his forearm area. Did he hurt himself? Or was his foster parents do that? I just sighed. Shadow what are you doing..

Shadow walked me to class and ruffled my hair. I hope he can make it tonight. Class started and I just tried to get work done and keep my grades up.

School ended and Shadow was already waiting for me. We walked out and I waited for Tails. Shadow slowly left as Tails met up. I watched Shadow leave as Tail walked up.
"So, you two dating yet?" I quickly turned to him, shocked.

"W-What?!" How the hell does he know?! "H-How do you know?"
"Well you just told me, and I see you two hanging out a lot. And you mumbled his name a few times in your sleep. So I just assumed." He smiled. "I don't care Sonic, as long as you're happy, you can date anyone you want." He was such a great brother. He was very understanding too.

"Thanks. Let's head home." I smiled back as we walked.

It was almost dinner time, when I heard someone knock on the front door. I quickly rushed to the door and found Shadow. I gasped when I saw his arm was broken.
"Hey.." He gave a crooked smile as he held his broken arm. "Can I stay the night?.."

"Hey, Uncle Chuck? Can my friend spend the night?.." I called out to him.

"Um. Sure, But you can't stay up late, You got school tomorrow." He called out from the kitchen.

"Thanks! And can we take him to the hospital?" I heard him shuffle around in the kitchen.

'What the heck happened?" He hurried to us. He looked at Shadow.

"I was roughhousing around with a friend, I broke my arm and My foster parents kicked me out because I was roughhousing..." Shadow was in pain. "I couldn't drive myself. And I can pay for the bill, I just need a ride.." Uncle Chuck grabbed a jacket and his car keys.

"Well, Of course you can stay the night, Let's get to the car. We'll be back in a few Tails." We all headed to the car and we were off to the hospital.   

Sonadow:Not Every Story is Happy#Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now