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    College. The place where you don't have to live with your family, and you have a little bit of freedom – when you're not overcome with five billion pounds of homework and projects that, when stacked upon each other, could create a skyscraper that could touch the New York skyline. 

    Now, before the burial of paper occurs, there's this thing called relaxation that she longed to feel. In the time she was at college, and she had dealt with the skyscraper of homework, she hadn't bothered to really look at her clock. That may sound strange, as she used to look at it on the hour, but, now, she just didn't have the time to sit and dwell on the fact that there were two years left until she would meet her soulmate; her work just became too much, too fast, and she had to avert her attention to the task at hand. 

    Her fingers impacted furiously with her desktop keyboard, her mind searching for different ways to explain the fact that having friends was important, and that without them, you wouldn't be you. Looking to her left, she saw her column she had made, the main ideas, hook, thesis, conclusion and all that good stuff listed out in scratchy, quickly written writing, almost illegible. But, she was able to see it for the most part, and get the general idea, almost coming to the final four-hundred word conclusion.

    She let out an exasperated sigh, wondering how in the world teachers managed to find a way to get a thousand-word essay out of each and every student in college, including the slackers. It just baffled her to the point of not wanting to even think about it because it hurt her brain even more than it already was. 

    A timer went off next to her, almost scaring her as the loud sound resonated in both her earbuds and throughout the small, single-person dorm. She ripped out her earbuds, looking down to see a timer that was reminding her that she needed to turn in a paper she had done early, and decided to turn in the day she finished. She pressed the center button, shutting off the alarm, and listening as her music came back to life and filled her ears.

    Before she had realized it, she was done with the essay after only a few hours, instead of a few days - like every other person in the school. Leaning back in her seat, she let out yet another sigh, whispering, "Good job, y/n, you did it. You finished your English essay. Ready for the science homework?" 

    Shaking her head, she sat back up, placing her hands on her cold Logitech mouse and clicking around, saving the document, placing it in an e-mail, and sending it off to her teacher before hovering over the Google Chrome app, deciding whether or not she wanted to do the said science homework she knew she would have to do – if not today – tomorrow, as it was due the day after. 

    She clicked it anyway, softly singing the chorus to the song resonating in her brain, and clicking the necessary tabs needed in order to get to the PDF for the homework. Looking upon the homework, she saw there were at least thirty questions, ten of which were needing the factor of Math to be solved.

     She cringed when she saw them, as math was most definitely not her strong suit; not that any subject was her "specialty." Her attitude was anything but happy as she gingerly, but quickly, filled out the quiz on a separate sheet of notebook paper she had pulled from the black hole known as her desk.

    Her, normally neat and tidy handwriting (that had gotten a little better and better as time went on), had become sloppy and chicken scratchy, resembling that of a scraggly-bearded man, using his said beard to place ink on a piece of paper. Before she could really continue focusing on what she was doing, her head nodded forward and her hand slowed to a stop, her world fading in and out before she finally fell into the welcoming grasp of sleep. 


    There wasn't any recording he needed to do, no collabs he had scheduled, he was absolutely, positively, without a doubt, bored. His clock did not help his boredom, seeing as it still said two years; those agonizing numbers always seemed to mock him, taunting him for no particular reason other than to just antagonize the ever living crap out of him. He ran his hand over his face and through his hair, deciding that he mine as well just record to catch up on his already caught up videos. 

    He let out a long sigh, going to steam and clicking the first game he had downloaded on a whim a few weeks prior. The game basically consisted of a man falling for a girl, but having to chase her down and go over all of these obstacles, like time and space, to get to her. He just thought it could be one of his rainy day videos, seeing as he had enough to last him about three weeks to a month. 

    After playing the game, his initial boredom from beforehand returned and he stared down at his clock. He wondered how he had lasted this long without noticing that he was going to be able to hold her close, be able to have her, be able to kiss her lips. 

    His heart rate spiked at the thought of being able to kiss her, spend the rest of his life with her, and have a family with her. "Why can't you just come a little sooner? For me? Please? I need you, I really do." 

    He felt kind of stupid, whispering into thin air, but soon remembered that his entire job depended on him talking to himself in his room for five minutes to a few hours everyday. His career choice was what he cherished and held on to when he fell into the hands of despair at the thought of still having to wait for her. 

    His silent wishes mainly consisted of him asking and wondering if there was any possible way to make the time go faster, get her to come closer so he could finally feel that fated feeling of adrenaline and happiness that would rush through your veins when you met your soulmate. 

    The sound of a Skype ringtone filled the room, his thoughts about the clock ceasing and traveling to who could've possibly been calling at two or three in the morning. He didn't bother looking at whoever it was, just clicking the answer button and being greeted with an energized Irish lad by the name of Jack. 

    They had met just recently – and by recently, a few weeks ago – and they already talked to each other almost every day, with the exceptions of serious recording days. "Hey, Mark!" The way Jack said Mark's name made him laugh because he always said his 'r's like he was an angry pirate going, "Argh!"

    Jack giggled, too, before holding up his arm and showing his clock to the older man. 

    "I've only got a year! Well, roughly, anyway. A year and a few months, but you know what I mean! I wonder what she's gonna look like! Is she gonna have-" Mark cut him off by clearing his throat rather loudly. 

    "Jack, she'll be more than you ever imagined. That's how it always works, and that isn't gonna change now," he said his couple sentences with a smile, shaking his head a little while explaining, but also watching as the Irishman's smile got larger and wider. 

    "Maybe! But, I'm still going to stick to my impatient self, wondering what she'll look like, just like a hopeless romantic," he shrugged.

    Mark just chuckled and shook his head softly, deciding to do what Jack was doing - as if he hadn't already been doing it in the first place. There was something about being impatient to meet her that made him a little more anxious, because, he had the rush of encouragement that she was feeling the same way and that she wanted him more than ever – like he wanted her. 

    He continued to talk to Jack, speaking of good games to play, things that were coming out, YouTube things, and then simple little conversation holders before both decided to sign off – Mark was tired, and Jack had things to do. 

    That night, as Mark went to sleep, the only thing on his mind was the day; the day he would meet her, the day he would fall in love. 

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