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    Perhaps, he could've told her then that he loved her, perhaps he could wait – and keep waiting. They were soulmates, so there shouldn't have been any harm in it, he just didn't know, even after they shared their first kiss, that it was time. 

He also didn't know how she was so beautiful. How everything fit her so perfectly, how when he hugged her, she fit him so perfectly. Even if people pointed out the obvious, it would still confuse him as to how he got so lucky to be her soulmate. To be the one to call her his. Sure, he'd dreamed about it, but now that it was dawning on him, he just couldn't fathom it.

    She was speechless, wondering if she should say it. She didn't know if he would pull away from the hug and stare at her weird, or like it was too much and he didn't want her just because of those three little words. "Hey, Mark?"

"Yes, beautiful?" Her cheeks lit up at the name, even though it came muffled to her ears because of her head in his chest. 

"Where should we go? 'Cos I'm sure it looks rather strange, ya know, with us standing here in the middle of a coffee shop, bookstore thing," he laughed at the way she spoke, her voice smooth, but her words awkward – a lot like him. 

"Well, considering my place is a little occupied by roommates, why don't we go to yours?" 

    His deep voice and his answer put a smile on her face, and she pulled away from his warmth, a little reluctantly, and stared at his eyes. His chocolate brown eyes were still filled with kindness, but there was some type of adoration in them, and love. 

She grabbed his hand and walked out of the café. His hand fit in hers like they were two puzzle pieces, her's significantly smaller than his, but they were perfect nonetheless. "So, Mr. Soulmate, tell me about you," she looked toward him, watching as he looked ahead, then down, trying to think of where to start.

    "Well, you already know my name's Mark, so," he was a little awkward with the situation, but she loved it. "I, uh, do work on YouTube, as a gamer," her eyes lit up when he said that he did YouTube for a living, seeing as she did the same. "I'm 26, I was born in Hawaii, uhm," he paused, as if he needed more motivation to come up with something to say. 

     "What's your last name?" Her voice was full of curiosity, wondering if her name would fit with it. 

    "Fischbach – yeah, I know, a little funny, but hey, can't blame my dad, can ya'?" She giggled at him, staring down their interlocked hands when she felt him tighten his grip a tiny bit.

   She squeezed back, reassuring him that it was okay - even though he probably didn't even need it. "I'm gonna have to say," he started, an even wider smile than before finding itself on his face, "you're quite the beauty. I know it sounds cliché, but you are. So, beautiful, tell me, who are you?

    She laughed at the way he worded his question, deciding to keep him on the edge and tap her chin with her finger, pretending to be in thought. "Well~," she dragged it out, before continuing, "I'm an animator, work for YouTube, kinda like you." He became excited as he realized that he wouldn't have to wait for her to come back from a 9-5 job, and she might actually understand that recording takes a little more time than it should, or a day might allow. 

    "My last name is (l/n), I'm a very creative and artistic person, if I do say so myself, and well, I'm from (home state), and that's probably where most of my family is at the moment," she looked to the right, trying to come up with something else to say before a practical lightbulb went off in her head, "Oh! I'm 22, so not too far behind you, old man."

    He shook his head, but was already in deeper love with her, as she was with him, just because he got to figure out more about her. They made small talk as they made their way down the sidewalk of a place just outside of Los Angeles, but still a lot like it. The parts in town in which they were walking were beginning to become familiar to him, and before he knew it, they were at his old apartment. "You live here?" He pointed to the door, his hand feeling cold as she let go of it to unlock the door. 

"No, I'm just walking into some random person's apartment, because I somehow magically obtained their key from the landlord. Yes, of course, this is my place, ya doof," she shook her head and laughed, and he couldn't help but laugh along with her.

    "Why'd you ask, Marki?" He smiled at her nickname but continued to answer her inquiry. 

    "Oh, no reason. I just lived here about a year back," it was quite strange how that worked out, but when he looked back at her, she was racing up the spiral staircase, while saying hold on. He walked around the place he used to call home, remembering when he had clothes hung over the stair rail, foam padding all over the floor and the red leather couch in the living room. 

    He looked over at the stairwell, having a sense of nostalgia when he remembered the countless vlogs he'd made sitting right there. She came down seconds later, carrying something in her hand. "I-Is this yours?" He took the object out of her hand, looking down at it and realizing it was the picture Bob had taken of him back when he went to his place for a couple weeks. 

    "Yeah," he let out an airy breath when he looked up from the photo back to her. 

    "I- When'd you find this?"

    "When I moved in a few months ago. I decided to keep it, because, I don't know, something about it made my heart race, and turns out," she placed her hands in her back pockets, looking everywhere but him, "it was you." 

    He set the picture down on the table he was standing beside, took the few steps it would take to close the gap between them and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Y'know, y/n," he placed his forehead against hers, their noses almost touching in an Eskimo kiss, "I think- no, I know, I love you.

   Her hand went behind his head, pulling their lips together and kissing him with so much passion, it almost hurt. His hands only tightened around her waist, and their chests pressed up against each other. They wouldn't take it much farther, as it probably wasn't the time for that yet, but that didn't mean that they weren't going to feel the heat and passion in the kiss. 

    The kiss they shared was something earth-shattering. It was something that would ignite fireworks on the Fourth of July, it was something that would always send a spark through their veins, it was something that they cherished even though they had just met a few mere hours ago.

    Pulling away, she held his face in her hands and whispered to him, "I love you, too, my soulmate."

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