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    When she woke up the next morning, she didn't feel the warmth she normally felt. She felt a cold blanket behind her. Looking at the time, she realized that it was barely two in the morning, and she distinctly remembered going to bed with Mark behind her.

    Letting out a sigh, she whipped the blankets back and sat up, scratching her head and walking down the hallway and to the railing to see Mark staring at the television with a pillow and blanket. She let out a small whine when she saw the grimace on his face, so she went down to him and walked up behind the couch. "Marki, why aren't you in bed?" Her voice came out like that of a little girl who was scared of the dark.

    Letting out a grunt, Mark sat up and turned to his soulmate, looking at her shaking frame. He was sure she hadn't realized that she was shaking, so he got up and walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. "I'm sorry, baby," he whispered into her neck, "I've just been thinking too much." She turned in his arms, placing her hands on his chest. 

    "What about?" 

    His reply was small, almost too quiet to hear, "Failure."

    "Failure to do what?" He looked down, not wanting to look at her and explain something that seemed so stupid – now. 

    "Failure to be a good soulmate, I guess. I don't want to hurt you, and I don't want to lose the connection I have with you because of something stupid." 

    She raised her eyebrows, starting to shake her head.  "Oh, no, no, no, no, Marki. You couldn't ever do that. I'll always love you, and I swear that you'll never hurt me. But, why'd you come down here?"

    "I didn't want to wake you up if I had a nightmare," everything that he was explaining seemed so stupid now that he was actually telling her about it. In reality, she was right this whole time – he didn't have anything to worry about, not as long as he had her and she had him. 

    "You should never have to worry about waking me up, Marki, that's why I'm here: to help you. Now, why don't we go to bed, yeah?"

    He made a little nod, leaning over the couch and turning off the television before grabbing her hand as she led him up the spiral staircase. They passed a window as they were going up, and he couldn't help but stare at the moon that was shining brightly. There were a few stars around it, speckling the sky in little diamonds.

    His attention was taken away from the sky as he felt her tug a little harder at his hand and pull him into their bedroom. They collapsed on the bed, laughing a little before getting under the covers and snuggling against one another. 

    Instead of spooning, she lay her head on his chest and traced little circles on his pec, not saying anything. He was almost afraid to break the peaceful silence that had been created between the two, but he did it anyway, "I love you, y/n. I don't know what I'd do without you in my life."

    As a response, she kissed where her head was laying on his chest and whispered a small I love you, too.


    Everything was going smoothly, happily. Mark hadn't had any of those bad thoughts, y/n was happy with everything that was happening in her life. It was all magical, to say the least. Right now, they were talking in the kitchen while he made spaghetti for their small dinner. They had both decided that big, extravagant dates were a little too much, so they really hadn't gone on one.

    "So," she said, her voice falling to a whisper. "What do you want to do?" 

    He shrugged, placing the finishing touches on the noodles before letting everything sit and cool for a minute. "I don't really know," he walked over to her and hugged her, letting her head rest on his chest while his chin was sitting on her head.

    "Do you think it's time for you to meet the fans?" She perked up a little, placing her hands on his lower back. 

    "If you want me to, I'd be glad to," her reply made him a slight bit happier, as he started to pull her up the stairs and to the recording room. 

    "What about the spaghetti, Mark?" She laughed out, making him stop in his tracks. 

    "Just go to the recording room, and sit there," the way he said room made her giggle a little as she nodded. He held up a finger and raced back downstairs to the stove, his red hair flopping as he did so.

    She sat in the chair, looking at the camera. She knew that the fandom had no choice other than to accept her, because – well the reason was quite obvious – she was his soulmate. There may be a little hate here and there, but that was something unavoidable.

    When he came back up, she was watching as he had his head down and talking to himself. "Okay, so first we'll introduce y/n, and then I'll talk about something else. Everything should go down smoothly – I hope." She shook her head, laughing a little at the way he planned things out by giving them specific fingers on his right hand, and when he thought he had everything covered, he would stick up a thumbs up.

    She got up from her chair and walked to his stopped body in the hallway. "Mark," she whispered, giggling a little when his head shot up and he had a rather strange look on his face. "C'mon, it shouldn't be that bad." He nodded and let out an awkward chuckle, following her and sitting down in his chair. She had her own chair, but Mark decided against her actually getting in the chair, and placed her on his lap.

    With everything set up, he straightened his posture, pulled her face down a little and gave her a kiss, before pressing the record button and clapping to sync up the audio. It startled her a small bit, making them both laugh before he started talking.

    "So, as you could probably tell by the name of this vlog, I have something very important to tell you," they looked at each other for a few seconds before he looked back to the camera and placed his arms around her waist. "I met my soulmate. And, I couldn't be happier than I am in this moment. It's all so strange, how I got to this point. I remember sitting on my couch and looking down at my forearm, wondering if the time would just fade away and she would walk through my door. But, that didn't happen, and I had to wait.

    "Now, I know that makes me sound impatient, but for her, I was. I was ready to get to hold her, to get to be happy with her; I was ready. And now that she's here, and I have the courage to introduce you to her, I couldn't be happier. So, please, my love, introduce yourself," he looked up at her, watching as her cheeks went red at the little nickname.

    "H-Hi, I'm y/n," she made an awkward wave, a little shaky breath coming out of her mouth. She didn't know why she was nervous about this, she just was. "I'm a youtuber as well, though not in the same field as Mark, here. I'm more of an artist, and you may have seen a couple of my animations on his channel before.

     "But, all nervousness aside, I am so glad that I am lucky enough to have this man as my soulmate, and that I get to be apart of such a beautiful community with y'all," her accent started to peek through in her speech, making him smile a little wider. "So, to say what he already said, I couldn't be happier, and I can only hope that you guys can accept what's happened." 

    She turned to Mark, looking him in the eye as he did the same to her. She leaned down and placed a loving kiss on his lips, her hand resting on his cheek while the hands around her waist slightly tightened.

    Pulling away, they both looked at the camera and laughed. "You gonna keep that in or?" 

    It seemed like the gears were turning in his head before he finally gave a small, "Yeah." He then proceeded to say that the channel would go on as usual, but if something were to happen, it would be put on hold for a little bit. She didn't expect anything bad to happen, and she would never tell him that he couldn't do his channel because she completely understood what it was like to try and manage a channel and live your life.

    "I can't wait for them to find out," he whispered to her once he pressed the stop button on the camera. "And, one more thing, y/n," he said, just as quietly as his head rested on her chest. "I love you, so much."

    "I love you, too, Markimoo. I love you, too."

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