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    Giddy was the only way you could describe Mark at the moment. He was jumping up and down in his seat, giggling like a fangirl because he was about to surprise the love of his life and soulmate.

    It was their seven-month anniversary, meaning Mark was going to do something extremely special, just 'cos he could. Of course, it would involve – probably – scaring the hell out of her, but he figured it was worth it. "So, I have everything set up here, here, here, oh, and here. Alright, everything looks to be in orde- shit! The balloons!" 

    Rushing into his recording room, he checked the time to make sure he had at least twenty minutes to blow up the happy anniversary and number seven balloons and sighed when he saw he had exactly twenty-five. Nearly passing himself out, he blew them all up with five minutes left to do a quadruple check and make sure everything was in order before she got home.

    Once he heard the keys jingle in the door, he started to smile widely and clasp his hands together in a very strange way. When she opened the door, she let out a gasp as he jumped on her and scared her – like he'd planned – and started to kiss all over her face. Of course, he was bending down a small bit to get to her face, but that didn't really change anything. 

    She was a giggling mess as he kept kissing her, saying happy anniversary in the little time between his lips making contact with her face in different spots. If you asked her, she wouldn't change a single thing that was happening right now, but she knew it had to stop so she could ask why he did all of this. "Okay, okay, Marki! Okay! I need to breathe, baby!" 

    He chuckled, pulling his lips off her nose and sliding his arms down to her mid-stomach. "Why did you do all of this? I don't get it! It's amazing, but, how," she was astonished as she started to notice the balloons decorating the apartment and confetti poppers on the table. 

    "'Cos, I love you and you deserve it after a long day of whatever-the-heck you were doing."

    "Shopping? I was shopping for you Mark, I would hardly call that unimportant." She was smiling at him, a twinkle in her eyes that he fell in love with every time he actually saw it. 

    "Well, it isn't, but I'd say that you're more important than any type of gift you could ever give me." She only shook her head, taking her hand from behind his head and grabbing a medium-sized red box out of her back pocket. 

    "But, question is, do you want it?" 

    He grabbed for it, releasing her and walking over to the couch and plopping himself down like a small child. He tore away the red wrapping paper, revealing a red box, and opening the lid. Inside was something that he didn't expect, but absolutely loved anyway; it was a set of dog tags, his name on one and her name on the other. 

    "I know you love your dad, and since he was in the army, I thought you might like this," she stated, wondering if he even liked it. He turned toward her, a huge, bright smile on his face and the same jumpiness he had moments before she'd walked through the door. 

    "I love it! And I get to wear them, and one has your name and it's so cool!" She started to giggle at his childishness, glad to be able to be his soulmate because he was always so happy about everything.

    "Now, what about the other stuff that you set up for me?" She waved her hand toward the things set up behind her, catching his attention from the dog tags. He held up a finger, flipping himself off the back of the couch and stumbling toward the kitchen. 

    "So," he started, clapping his hands together, "as excited as I am to have you as my soulmate, and the love of my life, I believe I can hold that excitement back long enough to shower you with gifts. And, as a starter, I'd like to give you some cake."

    She laughed at how he sounded, with such a calm voice he could narrate a golf tournament. Walking over to the things he was waving his hand toward, she picked up a cookie, biting one side and giving Mark the other. They were both smiling and staring at each other, a certain twinkle in their eyes that would only ever be apparent to the other.

    "Oh my god, we're going to get so fat on all this shitty junk," she stated, shoving an oreo in her mouth from another package on the table. He only nodded and made a grunt-like sound, stuffing his face with yet another round of six cookies. Laughing, they continued to eat everything, getting to her gifts afterward. 

    The gifts she'd gotten from him included a promise ring, decorated with the prettiest, shiniest, and – what she could only assume was – the most expensive of diamonds; there was also a necklace that had an infinity sign linked to it, and finally, the gift she never wanted to end, a cuddling session that lulled them both to sleep.

    Although, about an hour later, Mark woke up and stared down at her on his chest, running his fingers through her soft hair. He loved being able to sleep with her, and if he was honest, she was the best little spoon in the universe. But there was another thing he was planning, even if it was going to be a few months away. 

    He was fully dedicated to the woman in front of him, soulmate or not, and he really really didn't like her last name as much as he used to; it just didn't fit her the right way anymore.

    He stole her heart, so he was going to make sure she stole his last name.

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