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    Those two years, they were gone, just like that. She was finishing college, graduating with her degree, and wondered about what she was going to do . She felt elated in that moment, invigorated by the simple thought of being able to meet him soon and that she was finally done with what made her stay up countless nights, type countless words, and turn in pointless assignments about how Edgar Allan Poe married his 13 year old cousin, then wrote a poem for her after she died; tragic, really. 

    It was a lot like her high school graduation, but much more relieving. The ceremony only lasted a couple hours, and then she was off, going to her apartment she had gotten about halfway through the end of the semester. It was nice and quaint, only having been owned by a man before her. 

    It included a spiral staircase, nice big windows, lots of open space, basically everything she loved in a home. There was one thing that got her when she was moving her stuff in, though. A picture, presumably of the man who called this home a few months prior. 

    The picture was rather simple, depicting a man with black hair 'swooshed' to the side, glasses, what appeared to be, brown eyes, and golden tan skin. He was a rather handsomely cute man, and something about him made her heart race. She didn't want to get rid of the picture, deciding just to place it in a nearby box for safekeeping - she wasn't trying to be creepy, she was just keeping it in case she ever met the man depicted. 

    She got home, placing her backpack that she carried around instead of purses (because purses were a burden) on the floor and going upstairs to her 'studio'. It wasn't quite there yet, but, it was. She had set up a computer with it's own desk, then a separate desk on the wall next to the window, and a couple other things. Her reason for two desks in the same room was quite simple, one for drawing, painting, and charcoaling on paper, and the other for a digital drawing station; she had been going to college to be an animator, getting her degree and a job that allowed her to work from home – YouTube. 

    Her YouTube channel wasn't huge, but big enough that YouTube allowed her to work for them if she kept her videos frequent and assisted other YouTubers in animations. She was happy to agree, and now here she was, working whenever she could and for whoever she wanted for a good pay and with the best bosses, the kind that didn't actually boss you around and control your life. 

    She was almost too happy about finishing college, as  she wore a smile wherever she walked, whenever she talked, and through whatever she was watching – be it sad, happy, anxious, anything. When she sat down and started drawing, just a simple speedpaint she'd probably upload later, her characters were happy and frolicking around – if they hadn't been in a still frame, that is. 

    Once she was finished with the simple little drawing, she sat back in her chair and let out a content sigh. She was finally done with burdens of getting assignments done on time, then turned in before they were a day late. Now, she had time to contemplate when she would meet her soulmate, how she would meet him, and what she would do when it happened. 

    Glancing down at her clock, she saw that only about a month was left on it. Excitement started to build up inside her; this was going to be one of the best years of her life, her twenty-second year on earth. Her mind wandered to what he might look like, what he might act like, what he might sound like; maybe how he'd feel when she hugged him, how it felt to kiss his lips, or maybe even what it felt like to apart from him. 

    Her mom, when she had asked a couple months prior, said it would be the worst feeling in the world; there was no doubt you would be upset and want him back in your arms – oh, and when you got married, it'd just get worse. You'd start to yearn for him, maybe even feel like that really clingy girlfriend you didn't want to be. But, once he was back in your arms, all of those feeling would go away, and the only thing you'd feel would be safety and happiness. It was magical, really: how everything worked when it came to your soulmate. 

    Now, with her dad, that was a completely different story. His words were more like: just make sure that you bring something with you that belongs to them; learned that the hard way. And, sadly, she had asked him to explain, and her answer made her cringe. "My dear, dear, Y/n. To put this lightly, things get pretty, well, risqué." She hadn't wanted to hear anymore so she just thanked him, earning a chuckle from her father. She loved her parents to death, but man, they could get a little strange.

    Something beeped in her apartment, taking her out of her thoughts and placing her back in the real world. She jumped, her posture straightening as she listened for that beep again. Just as she had presumed, it sounded again, and this time, she could pinpoint its location. 

    Slowly, she got up and walked out of her studio, peeking out into the hallway and going down the stairs quietly. The beep resonated again, but this time, two more sounded directly after it, alarming her even more. The beeps sounded like they had been coming from the microwave in her kitchen, which she had yet to actually cook something other than ramen noodles in.

    She quickly rounded the corner, looking toward the kitchen that was lined up against the wall with nothing other than a small little corner wall blocking the wide entrance. There hadn't been anyone standing by the microwave, but it was still going. What was in there, she wasn't sure, but she knew she wasn't down here to start it. 

    Taking two steps forward, she felt two hands slam down onto her shoulders, causing her to scream out and jump a few feet forward from fear. Pure adrenaline rushed through her veins as she turned around to see whoever had done that to her. 

    Right before her eyes, her best friend, Aria, was bent over and laughing as hard as she could. Y/n was breathing too fast to let out any words, and her heartbeat was almost loud enough to block out the sound of Aria's laughing. "God dammit, Aria! What the hell?!" She was laughing with her once her initial shock left, and humor replaced it. 

    "I'm sorry," Aria laughed while trying to speak, "I just had to! I saw you tiptoeing down the stairs," she paused to take a breath, but instead burst out yet another laugh, making Y/n laugh along with her. "I saw you coming down, so I walked behind you when you didn't notice and as you took a few steps forward," she mimicked Y/n's previous motions, giggling while doing so. "I pounced, scaring the ever living shit out of you, apparently." Y/n just shook her head, laughing and turning around just in time to pull out Aria's hot noodle water. 

    "Aria, why the hell are you cooking noodles? Like, really?" She held up the hot water, getting another giggle and shrug from her intruder of a friend. 

    "So, guess what?" Aria notioned, sitting on a bar stool by the wall. Y/n let out a 'hmm?' noise, mindlessly making Aria's noodles. "Well, if you look in my general direction," Y/n looked toward her 'general direction', silently asking her to go on. 

    "My clock is close to finishing; I've only got a couple days. What do you think he'll look like?" That seemed to be the only question, what with her clock coming to an end in about a month or so and Aria's ending in only a couple days.

    "Not sure, Aria. Not sure."

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