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    Things had basically been normal. Mark had moved in with Y/n, happy to go somewhere he was used to – except for the shower of course. And, she had gotten used to his recording schedule, as he had hers. Which led to today, where they were recording in the same place, but he was much louder than her. He was screaming at some game while she was at the desk sitting next to his and making an animation.

    He would occasionally glance over at her, smiling fondly and focusing back on the game. The thing was, his fans still didn't know about her, as he hadn't shown his arm in the camera's view ever since the timer went grey. That also caught his interest from time to time. How, once the bright blue timer went down and you met your soulmate, it would go into a light grey, almost unnoticeable. But, knowing his fans, they would notice the smallest things and blow them way out of proportion.

    Like once, when he had this random red spot on his neck that had a little mark going through the middle, they had assumed that Jack had been over and Mark completely ignored the timer on his wrist. In reality, all it had been was when he scratched his neck too hard with his fingernail.

    For her, she couldn't care less if he introduced her or not. And, since she was mainly an art channel, she never showed her face or told people anything about herself, other than she was a female human who liked to draw. She had finally finished an animation for none other than her soulmate, put the little stamp on the end, and sent it to him, through their personal little emails, of course. That way, he would actually see it, and it not be buried by two thousand emails from fans.

    She sat back in her chair and twisted to face Mark, seeing that he was focusing on something and not talking. She then saw that he had been quiet for awhile, so she took this as her chance to roll over to him and place a kiss on his cheek. He turned toward her, allowing her to place one on his lips as well. He smiled and laughed a little, putting his game on pause and pulling her over to his chair. They had a small little makeout session, but she was hungry, so she grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the computer. He went with her voluntarily, laughing at some random thing she tripped on their way downstairs.

    "So, what game are ya' playing?" She genuinely wanted to know, because whatever it was, definitely had his full and undivided attention. 

    "Oh, just this game called Ben and Ed. It's about this zombie who has to run these ridiculous obstacle courses to get to his friend Ben. He dies a lot, but that's my fault," he shrugged while nearing the end of his explanation of the game. 

    She laughed a little and raised her eyebrows before taking a few steps toward the living room and letting out a prolonged, "Okay, then."

    He laughed a little, walking over to her and giving her a quick kiss on the lips before heading back up to record. She was content in that moment, everything around her finally at peace. She had the guy that was made for her, she had a perfect place to live, she didn't have that void in her heart and that voice in her head, and most of all, she had food.


    He couldn't stop thinking about her; she was always in his thoughts, bombarding them at random moments. And, now, at midnight, as she lay beside him, sleeping soundly with her hands together and holding her face, that was all he could think about. He wanted to go to sleep with her, but a fear started to creep up in his mind. It was irrational, sure, but it was a fear.

    What if he lost her?

    What if something happened to her and his clock went red?

    What if he couldn't take care of her anymore?

    What if he stopped loving her?

    What if she stopped loving him?

    What if she had another soulmate?

    Too many "what if's" were in his thoughts, but there wasn't anything he could do about them. They were always there, so now seemed like a pristine time for them to really show themselves and put themselves in the spotlight.

    He looked over to her, sitting up in bed and staring at her. She had a shirt of his on while he wore nothing to cover his bare chest. He ran his hand over his face, letting out a deep and quiet sigh. What was he going to do now? He didn't want to leave, but he didn't feel like he was okay to be holding her thinking the way he was.

    Everything he was about to do was irrational, but he didn't care. He didn't want to just randomly lash out in a dream and startle her awake, so he just grabbed a blanket and pillow, moved his way downstairs, and plopped down on the couch. He felt uncomfortable but he thought it was worth it if it meant keeping her away from his thoughts.

    It was probably a bad choice in the long run, but at the moment, he didn't care. He loved her and wanted to keep her safe. If this was what took, he'd do it.

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