1497: The Competition Thickens

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Around this period, all of Europe's trade with Asia passed through the city of Constantinople. In 1453, that city fell to the Muslims and cut off Europe from all the riches of Asia.

As the awareness of North America's existence, European countries started searching for what became known as the Northwest Passage, a route around North America through the Arctic Ocean.

France and Britain were incredibly invested in this, seeing as their economy would suffer without Asia's trade, but they were not the only ones. Even after more explorers touched down in what would be present-day Canada, many adventurers also tried to brave the freezing trip through the Arctic and Atlantic waters in search of the fabled passage. No success was found.

1497 marked the one of the first European contacts in North America, but it was far from over.

Britain paces back and forth, his thick eyebrows knitted together in frustration. John Cabot just got back to him, explaining that he had claimed some of the new continent for King Henry VII. Good news of course, but Britain can't be too sure. After all, he knows of a few countries that wouldn't mind snatching some riches for themselves.

Or, to be specific, himself.

Finding this new continent is wonderful, especially in making Britain's boss happy. On the other hand, finding this new land is bringing him no closer to finding the Northwest Passage. Asian trade is far too important to give up!

The country places one hand on his dishevelled blond hair as he brushes off his neat clothing, trying to think.

"Hon hon hon, Britain, guess who?" a clearly accented voice seems to sing, rolling the "r" of the country's name.

Britain clenches his hands into tight fists as his flimsy concentration is shattered again. He gets up and turns around, coming nearly nose to nose with yet another blond country. His scowl deepens as he steps back.

"France, what are you doing in my house?" he snaps, trying to make himself look taller next to his frenemy.

France chuckles again, flicking his flowing blond hair with a graceful sweep of his hand. "Oh, I thought I should stop by and see how you were doing. I heard one of your petite explorers just claimed some land, oui?"

"Yes, we did! Before you, I might add," he boasts. "Take that, you frog."

"Hon hon, you are simply adorable, Britain," France teases. "I just had a long talk with Spain. Apparently, this new land has quite a few valuable resources...like gold."

That makes Britain perk up. Riches are always good, especially for an economy that isn't as strong as it used to be. A small simper flickers across his face as he straightens up, crossing his arms over his chest as a smug look overcomes him.

"Oh, and I assume you want something now since my country claimed some of that land?" he asks.

"Non, I wanted to tell you that since the land is valuable, I'll be increasing my efforts to explore and settle in it. Sounds vraiment bien, non?" France winks as his violet eyes seem to sparkle with childlike mischief.

Britain scoffs. "So it's competition you want? Tell you what, France, I'll take you up on that! We'll see who gets more of the bundle."

"Ah, yes we shall, mon amie," he says, blowing a kiss his way that he swiftly bats out of the air. "Au revoir, have fun losing!"

He turns and nearly sashays from the room, his violet cloak swirling around him as he goes. Britain snorts at his retreating back, turning back to his work as a new air of determination settles over him. He already got to the new world first, all he has to do is establish some settlements before France. Should be easy enough.

Another thought crosses his mind. If there's new land, there very well could be some new countries showing up, and if there are new countries...

"New baby brothers," he mumbles to himself. "That's why France is so eager to settle. He's always looking for new conquests, the bloody wanker."

He lets out a long breath, exhaling as he combs his fingers through his hair. There's no need for him to worry, not right now. He's been sending out explorers far more often in far more quantities than any of his competition, which means that he's got a leg up on this little game.

"Alright, let's see who I can send out next..." he mutters.

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