1791: Mr. Egotistical and Pretty Shy

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Québec sits underneath a maple tree, staring up at the leaves and pondering everything. Beside him, Canada sits with Kumajiro in his lap, the bear letting out small complaints of being hungry every now and then.

"Newfoundland couldn't join us today?" Québec asks.

Canada nods. "Nova Scotia was showing him how to play the flute, last time I checked. Said he needed someone to play along with his fiddle."

"That one's a little odd."


They fall silent again, but Canada can tell that his friend has other things on his mind. Sure enough, he starts another conversation.

"I don't get why they can't just keep it as it is," the French province utters, fixing his cowlick and frowning. "First I'm a colony, then all of your land is called Québec, and now we're Upper and Lower Canada?" He curses and slumps back against the tree trunk. "I don't get it, Canada. I just don't."

Canada shrugs, his violet eyes flickering sideways to his friend. "Well...I'm kinda glad that they're calling me Canada now, eh? People got so confused before." He frowns a little. "But...I don't know why, but I feel like I'm both the upper and lower parts. I'm not just one of them."

"That doesn't make sense, mon ami, because I feel as though I am just Lower Canada." He rolls his eyes. "Do you think there's someone around her who thinks he's Upper Canada?"

"Possibly, eh?" Kumajiro cuts in.

Laurent pauses for another moment before he glances at Matthew. "Do you think it'll stay like this?"

Before Matthew can answer, another voice cuts in with, "Nope! Countries are always changing. It's the way things go."

Québec lets out a small yelp of surprise as the tanned face of Métis appears above them, her long braids sticking straight up towards the ground. Her legs are hooked around a sturdy branch of the tree, a small smile on her face as she glances between the two boys.

"After all, if the land doesn't change again—" She grunts as she shifts her hold on the tree, letting her arms drape down towards the ground. "—I might never find out who I'm supposed to be."

"Speaking of confusing names," Québec says, raising his pointer finger,"do you have any more inklings of where you belong?"

Métis sighs, shaking her head. "Nope. Mother keeps mentioning how it's getting harder and harder for her people. Do you know about everything the Europeans are doing?" She shudders. "It's horrible, and we can't do anything to stop it." She shuts her eyes, starting to rock herself back and forth a little. "There are more Métis people, though, and they feel...right, I guess. I'm tired of just feeling lots of things and want some actual answ—WOAH!"

She swings a little too far, her legs losing their grip on the tree and causing her to flip off the branch. Canada is the fastest to react, leaping up and attempting to catch her, but he only ends up cushioning her fall as he haphazardly grasps at her. In a second or two, they're on the ground in a tangle of limbs, Adalene desperately trying to sort herself out as Matthew blushes and tries to help, but his attempts only make it worse.

Laurent looks down at them with a small smirk as they mutter and fumble with their tangled bodies, their heads bumping together and hands hitting or touching places that shouldn't be touched. The Frenchmen whistles and winks at them, a chuckle shaking his shoulders.

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