Throughout the 16th Century: First Nation's Little Girl

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First Nation walks through the moonlit forests, singing softly as the trees seem to bend around her. Her voice threads perfectly with the howling of the wolves in the hills, the steady flowing of the rivers near her home, the dancing trees and the sweet northern winds.

She closes her eyes, the tiny bundle in her arms shifting. The native nation looks down at her newborn, her face flooding with love. The child is beautiful, her skin fairer than that of her Aboriginal mother and her hair a colour rivalling that of the noble bear's fur. The child's eyes open, gazing up at her mother with curiosity swimming in her deep brown depths.

First Nation hums another few notes, singing of the great white buffalo that roams the prairies as she presses a gentle kiss to her daughter's forehead. The baby shuts her eyes again, her little hands gripping at her mother's clothing.

"Adalene, first daughter," First Nation murmurs. "You are not your own nation, yet you are so special. This land is your home, as it is mine. One day, you'll discover who you're meant to be."

She seems to dance as she moves across the narrow space of the babbling brook, her toes delighting in the cool water that brushes across them. She moves up a moonlit knoll, maple leaves blowing around beautiful whirlwinds of colour that seem to kiss First Nation's browned cheeks as she stands beneath the light of the moon.

She sits down in the bowing grass, gazing down at her sleeping daughter before her dark eyes flicker to the sky, dotted with stars and the moon giving it's constant dominion over the sleeping world below.

"The moon lightens the darkness of the night and is known as the guardian of the earth at night," she speaks, her voice like a song. "He is the nighttime protector of humans. Moon will provide direction, vision, and guidance." She smiles as her daughter shifts, lifting her tiny fist to her mouth. The woman lifts her hand to the sky, her delicate fingers tracing the stars. "I wish that he will show you the path set out for you."

It's a rush to her, every moment. This little girl is the result of her love for a European, of the man who she has yet to see again. She never told him that she was with child and she doubts that she ever will tell him that he has a daughter. Nations don't have children, for more often than not they are weak and sickly, their lives short and doomed.

Adalene is different, and First Nation believes this like she believes the sun will rise every morning.

She lowers her hand and shuts her eyes as the wind rustles the sweetgrass, giving her a calming sense of peace.


The years pass; fast for humans, slow for nations.

A few birds squawk in surprise as a little girl races past them, laughing as her loose hair catches the leaves and twigs from nearby trees. She stops next to a river, watching the beavers on their new dam. She giggles and skips over to them, placing one foot on the solid logs. The rodents pay her no ill will, watching her with bright black eyes as she dances across their creation with grace and care. She would never dream of destroying their work.

"V'la l'bon vent, v'la l'joli vent. V'la l'bon vent m'amie m'appelle," strong voices drift in the wind, making her perk up. "V'la l'bon vent, v'la l'joli vent. V'la l'bon vent m'amie m'attend."

Her eyes brighten as she hears the Voyageurs singing their happy song, calling a quick goodbye to the beavers as she races after the music.

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