1775: The Siege of Québec

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Throughout the twelve years that passed after the Treaty of Paris, there were many changes that go on for Canada. First off, he is now known as "the Province of Québec" by most, which causes a bit of confusion between young Matthew and Laurent.

All of the now-British colonies can agree that getting used to living with Britain instead of France was one of the strangest changes, especially after Canada officially met his far more exuberant brother, America.

As much as the young nation was overshadowed by his brother's loud tendencies, both of the siblings grew rapidly. Before long, both America and Canada were taller (than Britain, but don't mention that to him), stronger, and one of them was feeling far more rebellious than the other.

Hint, it's America.

Of course, unlike most teenagers who just go out and get a tattoo or something, America was ticked at how Britain had been taxing the colonies to help fund the Seven Years' War. So, like any other teenage nation, he dumped some tea in the Boston Harbour and decided to try and invade his little brother. Canada didn't like that idea very much...neither did Québec.

Canada waits, snow beneath his boots and a clear grey sky stretched out above him, feeling completely sick to his stomach as he waits for Adalene to meet him. He's wearing a red uniform with black-cuffed sleeves and white pants, a musket hanging over his shoulders. It feels stiff, far too professional for him to be wearing, but he knows deep in his heart that he has to wear it. He has to help his brothers fight.

He winces at the idea, and for a moment he swears that he can hear the angry shouts of America and Britain. The young nation hates the idea of being in between two more fighting countries; first France and Britain, now America and Britain. Why can't they all just learn to get along?

The gentle crunching of the fresh snow makes him perk up, his violet eyes widening with slight fear as he sends a silent prayer that the approaching person isn't America. He lets out a breath of relief when it's Métis that steps from the woods, a small paper clutched in her hand that he recognizes as the one he sent to her.

She too has gotten older, along with Québec, Newfoundland, and Canada. She's filled out, her figure more of a woman's instead of a girl's despite only being physically sixteen, and she almost seems to take on the aura of confidence that First Nation had before her. Her hair is loose today, let out of its usual braids and letting it fall around her shoulders.

"Canada? Is something wrong?" she asks, noting the look on his face. She looks him over, her expression freezing with what he could interpret as illness. "Why...why are you wearing a war uniform?" she asks, her voice tight.

He sighs, glancing away as she moves closer to him, her buckskin clothing keeping her warm. "My brothers...they're fighting," he says, voice soft and pained.

She wrinkles her nose, stopping right next to him as she shakes her head. "Honestly, is that all countries know how to do? Fight? Shoot each other? Invade each other?"

"Seems like it, eh?"

She looks up at him, her hand automatically tugging at one of the white straps crossing his chest. "You don't though. You're peaceful, as far as I can tell. That's why I like you," she mumbles.

He can't bring himself to smile. "Thanks, but I do wish I could stand up for myself better."

Her muscles tense, her fingers freezing on his clothing. "Matthew...what's going on?"

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