1825: Little Sister Charlotte

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"Honestly buds, I'm just glad that that whole stupid thing with America was cleared up. Can you imagine if the war had continued?" Newfoundland gasps at the idea, his bright blue eyes going impossibly wider. "Oh goodness, I don't think I could've handled it."

"You weren't even fighting," Québec sighs, flicking a page in his French novel. "America wanted Ontario and I for some weird reason. You were protected by Britain's navy."

"Why exactly are you still talking about this?" Métis wonders, weaving long strips of grass together. "You know the war ended ten years ago, right?"

"I dunno, bud...maybe because ten years feels like a day to me," Newfoundland responds with a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders.

New Brunswick, who sits next to Québec and reads over his shoulder, looks up at that. "Oh...I agree," she murmurs, just managing to put in her two cents before she returns her attention to the novel.

"White House...whoooo..." Ontario mumbles, letting out a rather long and obnoxious snore as he rolls over and tucks his arms beneath his head.

The wind rustles the tree above them, a few of the leaves drifting down and nestling in the colony's shaggy blond hair. He snorts as one lands on his nose, but that does little to wake him from his deep nap. Canada glances at Ontario, a tiny smile flickering across his lips.

"He even talks when he's sleeping," he says, almost laughing.

"He really never does shut that large mouth of his," Québec agrees. "Dommage..."

"Oh yeah, eh?" Kumajiro comments, sniffing at Newfoundland's pockets for treats.

The boy grins and hugs the bear to his chest, at which Kumajiro gives up on finding treats and decides to relax. The group settles in, listening to the calm silence of the afternoon. Canada watches each of the colonies doing their own thing, weaving flower crowns or reading or napping or just staring up at the sky. It feels very peaceful.

"OI LADDIES!" a boisterous accented voice screeches from nearby, shattering the fragility of the silence.

"Nova!" Newfoundland exclaims, lurching to his feet and startling Kumajiro from his dozing state. "Hey there buddy!"

The Scottish colony jogs towards them, his freckled face lit up in a never-ending smile and his red curls bouncing with his movements. He jolts to a stop abruptly in front of them, but not before jamming his feet directly into Ontario's middle. The British colony awakens with a strangled screech and goes rolling over, clutching at his waist and wheezing for air.

"What the hell, Henry?!" he gasps. "What did I ever do to you?!"

"I didn't see you there, lad. Sorry," Nova Scotia apologizes without hesitation. He quickly dons his winning smile again and throws his hands up. "Anyways, you have perfect timing! Here, under this tree on this lovely day, I will show all of you my little sister! She's been laying low while she grows up but I think she's been around plenty long enough!"

Canada arches an eyebrow, tilting his head back to look up through the branches at the sky. "We have met a lot of new colonies while relaxing here."

"Probably because introducing each other around the mortals would be utterly idiotic, non?" Québec suggests. New Brunswick nods in agreement and fiddles with her jewellery.

"So...you've got a little sister?" Métis questions.

"Is she cute?" Newfoundland demands, his eyes seeming to sparkle as he smiles innocently.

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