3:All for Charity ~ Harry (For Sam)

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"Now remember just stay in your booth until one of us come get you" my brother, Louis, says as he drives to the event.

Yes, my brother is Louis Tomlinson. And no, I haven't met any of the boys, until today. We're driving to a charity event the boys are putting on. It's supposed to be like a carnival. And guess who big brother Louis voted to work the kissing booth. Its so gross, 'but its for charity'.

"So do I get to meet the boys right away?" I ask, that's all I really care about, meeting Harry.

Louis chuckles "yes you'll meet them straight away. And please don't tackle Harry." he teases.

"Thanks for giving me the idea" I joke.

"Sam!" he says laughing "I mean, not that Haz doesn't like attention but really?"

"I'm not going to embarrass myself. You've already put me up for the kissing booth. I think that says enough in itself." I say as he parks the car "Oh my gosh! I get to finally meet Harry!"

"Calm yourself Sam." Louis laughs at me as we get out of the car and head towards a group of boys.

There he is, standing there running his hand through his hair. Then he looks at me, that signature cheeky grin on his face, making my stomach erupt with butterflies.

"Well mates. This is my sister Sam. She'll be working the kissing booth. Now I need to go to my booth. I'll see you all after." Louis says, then he walks off. Leaving me standing there with the boys.

"H..hi" I say shyly.

"Awe don't be shy love" Liam says smiling at me.

"Yea we don't bite" Niall says jokingly.

"Well Harry might" Zayn says laughing.

"Niall! Liam! Zayn! come here!" Louis yells then smirks at me. I'm

going to get him for this later.

"So kissing booth huh?" Harry smirks.

"Um yea, Louis marked me to do it" I say feeling my face heat up.

"Good to know" he smirks. Then he leans in and whispers in my ear, "Louis told me what you think of me" and kisses me on the cheek.

I feel my face instantly go red and my knees go weak. Then he walks away to his booth. Leaving me standing there, turning into a pile of mush, thanks Harry.

"Sam! you've got 5 minutes to get to your booth!" Louis yells. So I walk over to my booth.

*45 minutes later*

I've just about had enough of this. I've been kissing strangers for almost an hour now. Yea, its just a peck on the lips, but its still gross. I put chapstick on then turn around to get to the next person in line, Harry.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Well hopefully getting a kiss from a beautiful girl. Isn't that what this is? The kissing booth?" he asks.

"Well yea..but" I start but he cuts me off, smashing his lips into mine, his hands move to my hips.

At first I kind of sit there in shock, but then it sinks in. IM KISSING HARRY! I kiss him back, wrapping my arms around his neck, our lips moving in sync. Then before I know it he pulls back.

"Well that was worth the dollar, hell it'd be worth a million" he smirks making me blush. "How about I take you to dinner tonight?"

"Ermm...ummm...I....I..." I studder.

"Haha I'll take that as a yes?" he smiles, his hands still resting on my hips.

"Yea...yes" I say

Then he leans in and whispers in my ear, "I've been waiting for this day for months. Just so I could kiss you"

Then he walks back to his booth. Leaving me standing here, on cloud 9.

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