14: Ruined by the Buzzer ~ Luke (for Sam)

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"Oh my gosh! That was so incredible! He actually reached out and held my hand. Did that really happen? Am I dreaming? I really hope I'm not dreaming." I ramble on as we drive back to the hotel after our 5SOS concert.

"No you're not dreaming you dork." Bekka laughs as she turns away from the venue, finally getting out of the crowded parking lot. "If you were dreaming I'm sure there would've been a little more than hand holding going on."

"Oh shut up!" I smile, still in shock that I even went to the concert. Let alone held Luke's hand. "Hey, who's to say something crazy isn't gonna happen?" I smirk.

"Whatever" she chuckles as she continues driving. "I'm still glad I got to come with you. Seeing Ashton that close. Just damn. I can't even."

"Now who's the dork?"

"Oh hush." she says as she turns up the radio, of course on 5SOS.

We're just jamming out to the song Mrs.All American when all of the sudden we hear a big BANG!

"What the hell?" she turns down the radio, listening as she slowly pulls over.

We get out to examine the car and look under the hood. "It looks all good to me" I say looking at everything. I turn and walk around the car, when I get to the back I see it. "Well, we've got a flat."

"Lovely. Perfect timing too." she frowns going into the trunk of the car and grabbing the tire iron. "Wanna help me get the tire out?"

"Yeah." I help her try to lift the tire out of the trunk, technically below the trunk cause of the spare tire thingy, but whatever. "Now what? We have no way to lift the car."

"Shit! This is awesome. Here we are stuck on the side of the road in Detroit, which we don't know. Amazing." she complains.

"Why not just try and do it like I don't know. Try without lifting it." I suggest as I hear a car pull up behind us.

"You ladies need some help?" a guy asks from the car.

"Um." I look to Bekka who shrugs. "Sure."

"Boys go help them" the guy says.

Then I can't believe our luck because Luke, Ashton, Calum and Mikey step out of the car. Damn am I lucky! Not only do I go to the concert (front row seats) and hold Luke's hand, but they pull over and help us with our car. Just wow.

"Whats wrong girls?" Ashton asks. "Have a flat?"

"Ye-yeah" Bekka stutters, evidently just as shocked as I am.

"Well we can help." Calum smiles as he walks over to the car and him and the boys fix the flat.

It only takes them about 5 minutes to fix it, which is incredible cause it would've taken us for freaking ever. Then they all just kind of stand over in a group by Bekka and I.

"Thank you" I can feel how red my face is, and lets just say its not pretty. "That was really nice of you."

"Well we couldn't leave to pretty girls like you stranded in a place like this now could we?" Luke smirks. Did he really just say that?

"Um. Thanks." I smile.

"You don't have to thank us so much you know?" Ashton chuckles.

"We were just trying to be helpful." Calum smiles.

"Yeah, we saw you struggle getting the tire out." Mikey laughs.

"Oh." Bekka frowns. "Well um. We don't want to keep you waiting. So we better go."

"We're going to the car." Calum smiles.

"Nice meeting you" Mikey says.

"Staying with me for a minute Ash?" Luke asks

"Sure" Ashton smiles.

"So, um, I know this may sound crazy. But um do you mind if we come along? Or maybe you could come with us?" Luke looks at me.

"I ... um...I.." I cant even form words. Did Luke Hemmings just ask to come to my hotel? For me to go to his? I must be dreaming. I look over to Bekka who is eyeing up Ashton, in her own little world. "I guess you could come with us. Then we could bring you back to your hotel."

"Sweet!" Luke smiles. "Ash you staying with me or going with the lads?"

Ashton appears to be in his own little world too, because it takes him a minute to answer. "Um. Yeah I'll go with you. I'll go tell the lads what's going on." he walks over to the car.

"Well, um let's get going then" Bekka gets in the drivers seat, and I get in the passenger. Luke follows suit and gets in the back with Ashton. "Crazy!" Bekka mouths to me.

"Yes." I mouth back as she pulls away towards our hotel. There's totally awkward silence so I turn on the radio, which is still on Mrs.All American. Great, cause that's not awkward, let's just make it that much better. I quickly change the song. "Sorry."

"It's alright" Luke says.

For the rest of the, actually quite short, ride we sit in silence. Or at least somewhat, because I can hear them mumbling in the backseat. About what I'm not sure but I can hear them. It's not long before were back at the hotel and in our room.

"So. Um. What's up?" I ask.

"Well. Bekka wanna go for a walk?" Ashton asks, completely shocking her and making her speechless. They go leaving Luke and I sitting there in the silence.

Luke walks over to me and looks down into my eyes. "You're very beautiful. You know that?"

"What?" I ask. Yes, I heard him. But I can't believe it.

"You heard me." he smirks as he leans in and kisses me.

"Oh my god" I mumble into the kiss.

"Whats wrong?" he asks looking at me, concerned. "Do you want me to stop?"

"No. Sorry. I. Sorry." I say feeling embarrassed, didn't realize I said that out loud.

He smiles. "Surprised? Didn't think this day would ever come little heyoniam1018?"

"Wait what? How did you? How do you? You know?" I stutter.

"Yeah. I've known. I've been waiting for this concert just to see you." he smiles. "I want you to be mine Sam."


"Really" he smiles before kissing me gently once and then pulling away and sitting on the bed. He pats the spot next to him. "Come here"

I go and sit next to him, to see what he has to say. "Yeah?"

"Well I know this may sound weird. But I do see what you post. And I know how you feel. But I want you to know that I feel the same, about it all." he explains, practically killing me. "Maybe even more" he bites his lip, sending me over the edge. Yep it's official, I'm dead. "Sam?"


"Will you be my Mrs. All American? My girl?" he asks.

"I...well yeah" I say making him laugh.

"Now come here" he pulls me on top of him and starts to kiss me.

I kiss him back, playing with his hair, as a small moan comes from him. I smile into the kiss. I'm making out with Luke Hemmings. Stop! Focus! He rolls over and starts to kiss my neck, reaching his hands up my shirt. I bite my lip just as....


I reach over and hit the alarm to turn it off. "Of course it was just a dream" I groan.

"Well good morning to you too" I hear Luke chuckle, which by the way scared the shit out of me.

I look over and see Luke laying next to me, in bed, shirtless. I look down at myself, pulling the blanket back over me and he laughs.

"You weren't dreaming love." he leans over and kisses me.

Imagine That (5SOS, 1D & KnJ house  Imagines) -requests openWhere stories live. Discover now