6:Theif - Ashton (for Mel)

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"Yea, it was a long day. Had to work overtime, trying to get some good pics but it's not going to well" You tell your friend as you're on main street walking home.

"I'm sorry. But hey look on the bright side you re in Australia! Plus, I'll be there tomorrow. Ill talk to you then. Later girly." she says before hanging up.

I end the call then reach down and put my phone in my purse. Suddenly it's gone, someone snatched it right off of my arm and is running down the street ahead of me.

"Hey!" I yell, but the person just keeps on running. "Damn it!"

That's when I notice someone running after the person who took my purse. They finally catch up to the person and tackle them. I turn away cause I don't want to see what happens next. I hear footsteps coming my way so I turn back to see someone holding my purse and walking towards me.

"Here you go, ma'am. I got your purse back for you." the stranger says.

"Well thanks." I say taking the purse.

"You're welcome." he says.

"Well what can I do to make it up to you?" I ask as I get lost in his eyes.

Well you could let me walk you to where ever it is to where you're going, so I'll know you're safe" he says, with a shy smile.

"Okay. I guess that sounds fair." I say smiling back.

So we walk off together."So what do you do for a living?" I ask.

"Well I'm sort of in a band. Hopefully we'll be going on tour with some big bands soon." he says, walking with his hands in his pockets.

"What's it called?" I ask, curious.

"Erm.. 5 Seconds of Summer. We're not really big yet. But hopefully one day we'll be up there."

"Wow. That is so cool. All I do is take pictures for magazines. I'm that person that the celebrities hate. 'The paps'" I say using air quotes.

"Really? So you've probably met all kinds of celebrities then?" he asks.

"Sort of. They don't really appreciate people in my position. But then again I'm not the one who usually takes all the bad pictures. I try to find the good in them. If that makes sense." I say.

"Perfectly." he smiles.

I look over and see my building. "Well this is it." Then I walk up the steps.

"Wait!" he says. " I never did get your name."

"Mel." I say walking back down the steps. I pull a pen out of my purse, "Here, give me your hand."

"Erm. Okay." he says as he gives me his hand.

"I never got your name either." I say while I write my number on his hand.

"Ashton" he says as he watches me put my pen away.

"Well thanks for walking me home Ashton" I say before leaning in and gently kissing his lips. "Goodnight"

"Goodnight" he says as I walk up the steps.

I turn to see him smiling at me. Then close the door behind me and lean on the closed door, bite my lip, close my eyes and smile.

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