10:Unexpected Royalty ~ Luke (for Yaffa)

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"And to finish off today's announcements. Nominations for Homecoming King and Queen will be posted on the schools website and outside the offices. Good luck to all of you Royals out there."

"Okay. We need to go look at that list. Like NOW!" Liz says as she grabs my arm, pulling me to the office. 'You better be on there. All of us voted for you. JV too. Like, all of us Yaffa. Like even the boys on the team."

I walk up to see the list is surrounded by people. I push, ok not push, make my way through the crowd of people to see the list. I read through the names. Girls list, there's me right at the top. And the boy who is my escort. Ashton. Damn. I was really hoping for Luke. I find Luke's name, right next to Liz. Damn. I walk back to Liz.

"Whats wrong? Are you not on it? Cause we will march in there and fix this." she starts to rant and drag me towards the office doors. But I stop her.

"I'm on the list, its fine." I explain. "And so are you."

"What? No way! I'm not running against you. I'm going to decline now. Wait who's my escort?"

"You don't have to do that." I smile. "Luke is yours. Ashton is mine."

"I'm your what?" Ashton interrupts me. "Oh right I'm your prince and your my princess, That is until we win then were official royalty and we will be king and queen." he puts his arm around my shoulder.

I laugh moving his arm. "If that's how you want to put it then yeah" I notice Luke walking towards us. "But we have to get to practice for our big routine tomorrow night at the game." I loop my arm through Liz' and head towards the gym.

"What was that?" she asks

"Nothing. We just have a limited time to practice is all." I say as we walk into the gym and the team congratulates us.

*the next day at the assembly*

The crowd goes wild as we finish our routine at the assembly. Its then that all of the Homecoming court has to line up and be ready to do the game of the semester. We never know what it will be. But it should be interesting. It always is. Like the year they had to try to eat a Chocolate Pie with hidden ingredients (sardines), or when they had to wear a diaper on their heads and see how much water they could transfer between buckets. The humiliation, yet at the same time honor, is very unpredictable.

"So this year we went a little easier on the court. Student council if you could get them ready. There is two steps to this game. They will be tied together at the waist and have to make it all the way across the gym using only their two outer legs. Then once there they will have to face each other and eat an entire caramel apple. Pretty simple." Mrs. S turns to face us. "Ready? Oh and you have 3 minutes. Go!"

Its then that we 8, turned 4, run down the gym. And can I just say that it is so not as easy as it looks! The concentrating on our feet and trying not to fall.

"Come on Yaffa, we got this in the bag!" Ashton cheers me on as we go just as we get hit with a water balloon.

"Oh and I forgot to mention the obstacles that the student council members will be creating as you go." Mrs.S laughs.

"Ignore it. We'll make it first" Ashton mumbles as we make it to the end of the gym. "Okay caramel apple. Not so bad."

I turn to face him as we both go to take a bite, and a big one at that, into the apple. Or should I say onion. Instantly I gag and spit it into the trash, as does Ashton. The crowd is all sorts of confused, that is until the smell of the onion makes it to them.

"Take two more bites and you win. Three full bites and you're finished teams." Mrs.S explains. "Whats the matter don't like onions? Darn maybe I should've mentioned that one."

"Come on lets do this" I tell Ashton. "Only 2 more" We take the 2 bites, and surprisingly I don't get sick. Lets just say caramel and onions do not go well together.

"Tied at the top are Liz and Luke. And Yaffa and Ashton! Thanks guys for participating. Here's some mouth wash to get rid of the onion and hope you all have an awesome time at the game tonight! Oh yeah and the dance that follows." Mrs.S jokes before the final bell rings.

We rinse our mouths as Mrs.S. explains. "So since you are all going to be at the game already I just want you to know that you don't have to change out of your uniform when we do the crowning. And make sure you remember to wear the court sash. The king and queen will get the new ones. So good luck to you all and cant wait to see you all dressed up tonight."

*later that night*

"Fire! Fire! Fire! Up! Up! Up! Fire up! Fire up! Whoop! Fire up! Go! Team! Fight! Fight! Team! Win! Go Team! Fight Team! Whoop Lets Win!"

We finish our cheer and begin the routine. For the second time today I get to fly around in the air. Flipping and piking and twirling around. But my favorite is the end stunt. I am Liz' jumprope. Not only once but for 5 jumps. Its quite amazing that we can pull it off. And it isn't easy either.

"Alright Cyclones! Lets go!" we finish.

"Thank you cheerleaders for that amazing performance! Now if I could have this years fall homecoming court come out onto the field. We will announce the King and Queen."

So we all walk out and I go and stand next to Ashton. It's then that I notice Luke smiling at me. But I just brush it off.

"And our Fall 2014 Homecoming King and Queen are Luke and Yaffa!" Mrs.S shouts into the microphone making the crowd go wild and my face go red as Luke loops his arm through mine. We receive our crowns ans sashes and my flowers as Luke turns to me ad looks into my eyes.

"I'm glad its you that's my queen." and he kisses me. The guy that I've been crushing on for years kisses me, so obviously I kiss him back. So needless to say we forget the crowd is there, that is until the whistles and howls start from the lacrosse team.

"I. Um." I stutter as we look at the crowd and my face turns red. "What was that exactly?"I ask once were not in front of everyone.

"Well. I've liked you for a while and didn't know how to tell you. So I had as many people as I could vote for us. And honestly, I didn't like rig the voting. I just wanted us to win because I had this huge thing planned where I would crown you and all kinds of stuff. But then I just well. I kissed you." Luke rambles.

"Wait, you, I, we, what?" I stutter, still in shock.

"I like you, a lot. And I want to be with you." Luke smiles fixing my sashes. "But I want to know what you feel."

"I've, well I've liked you for a while." I bite my lip. "So lets just say I'm perfectly ok with this" I smirk.

"Well. I hate to leave but Ive got a game to win."

"Well here how about some good luck" I lean in and kiss him. And this time he kisses me, like really kisses me, before he runs back to the game.

Can I just say 'Holy dream come true. or cliche fairy tale ending to this day.' but I don't care I love it!

~A/N : I'd just like to say thank you to my teacher Mrs.S (not saying the real name) for really doing the caramel onion challenge at the pep assembly so I had a really cool idea for this story. And can I just say...I'd advise you to never eat a caramel onion... they are DISGUSTING!

Also, the youtube link is the routine that my school did at our homecoming and that is what I imagined the routine to be in the imagine. (:

Oh and if you want an imagine please message me with the information! Thanks! (:


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