18: Why me? Part 1 - KnJ House (for Y/N)

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Hey there lovelies! Just wanted to warn you. This is something a little different from what I usually write. So, I apologize in advance because it might not be that great. (as compared to what I usually write) So anyways, without further a do, here is the very first KnJ House Imagine! Hope you guys like it!

"Help!" I yell into the fabric gag covering my mouth. Only it comes out as no more than a quiet moan. I am almost certain whoever took me is in this cold, dark room with me.

"Tsk tsk. Little miss (Y/N). No one can hear you, so I wouldn't be trying to scream if I were you." I look around trying to match person to the voice that I've been hearing. "It's quite pointless my dear and honestly it's a huge waste of your energy. And trust me you're going to need it, so I wouldn't waste it if I were you."

I try to talk back to him, but its no use with a mouth full of fabric. I just want to know why? Why would anyone want to take me? When did he take me? Who is he? What does he want to do with me? It's not like I have any real money or anyone in my family for that matter. I keep mumbling through the fabric and asking him these questions but it's no use.

"Alright, you know what I'm feeling generous." I instantly was blinded by a bright light above me. Something like you would see in the movies. I flinch and try to let my eyes adjust as I see him walk into the light. But he's wearing a mask so I cant see his face, or his hair. His entire head is covered. All I know is hes tall, and muscular. He walks over to me, playing with my hair as he speaks. "Now, sweetheart you have to promise me you won't try anything stupid. I wouldn't want to hurt you and your pretty little face."

He gently grabs me by my chin, forcing my too look up at his face. To look into his dark brown eyes. I could see the crazy deep within them. I nod my head in agreement, and almost immediately he removes the fabric from my mouth.

"Ok now sweetheart. What do you want to say?"

I look at him in pure disgust. "Firstly don't call me sweetheart. I'm not your damn sweetheart."

"Feisty today are we? Well fine then." He leans against the wall and motions for me to continue.

"How long have I been here? When did you take me? Why did you do this to me?"  I ask him a few of the string of questions that I have running through my head at the moment.

"Slow down there speed racer. Lets take it one at a time. First off you've been here for about two days now. Only this is the first time you've been fully conscious."

"So you've had me tied up and on the floor for two days?" I've seriously been sitting here for two days on the concrete with nothing, lovely.

"Yes and no. You were originally on the bed over there," he points to a bed on the other side of the room. "but last night you decided roll off and try to crawl away. So here you are."

"Okay, now why did you do this to me?"

"Well that's a long story that I really don't have time for right now. So, how about we try another one." he smirks walking closer to me and tries to pick me up.

"Stop! What are you doing?" I try to get him away from me. "Don't touch me."

"Calm down! And you better keep quiet." he grabs me and puts me on the bed. "I warned you once and I won't do it again. If you piss him off I can't help you."

"Wait what? Who? Piss who off?" I am so confused. "So there's more of you? You've got to be fucking kidding me!" I lean my head back against the wall in complete disgust. "How many of you are there?"

"Enough. No don't you worry your pretty little head." he puts the fabric back over my mouth. "Now be a good girl and get some sleep. I will be back to check on you in the morning."

"No!" I yell through the gag as he walks away turning off the light and locking the door from the outside. "You can't do this! Why are you doing this? Please don't leave me in here! Please." I lean over on the bed, crying. Why me?

To be continued.....

Alright so I know I'm annoying but I do love a good cliff hanger. Tomorrow we will find out who took you, who all of them are, where you are, how many of them there are, but most importantly why. Comment and let me know what you guys think! Hope you like it! Also, don't forget that requests are always open! Thanks lovelies! xoxo

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