Meet the Girls

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(I'm only including 10 girls as if I started with the usual 26-28 it could get confusing for not only me, but to you, the reader.)

Samantha- Closeted fangirl of 5 Seconds of Summer and the first car in Luke's lane. Occupation: Published Fan Fiction writer.

Kayla- Knows what Luke looks like, but has no idea he is in a band. Occupation: Kindergarten teacher

Janine- Loves 5 Seconds of Summer's music, but not sure whose lane she's in. Occupation: Vet.

Olivia- Gets shipped with Luke by her fans. Occupation: Youtuber.

Abigail- Feels like she is a failure at relationships. Occupation: Real Estate Broker.

Delilah- Plays with guys feelings and wants to change her ways. Occupation: Barista at Starbucks.

Grace- Gets mistaken for Bryanna Holly all the time. Occupation: Bartender.

Lacey- Falls in love too quickly. Occupation: Social Worker.

Zoe- Was in a relationship, got pregnant, her child father left. Occupation: Stay at home mom.

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