Piper {3} & Dani {3}

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Piper POV

I know, I know what I should've done in the moment, in this moment, this moment right now, this was the moment that the engines roared, our hearts pounded, and the minds of everyone in their heated car was to be the fastest, and not fall behind. Because this, this was nascar, and falling behind was the equivalent to losing a football on a pass, or missing the soccer ball that's about to hit the netting behind you, referring to a goalies play or job on the field.

I set the car in drive, pressed down on the gas, and off we went. The sound was loud, but toned out with the headset pressed against both sides of my head. My father on the other line, telling me to dodge people, watch for the curves, and such. That was ignorantly ignored, because my mind was turned to the switch of racer mode and everyone else is basically irrelevant.

I couldn't hear the outside noise, the race track itself was practically in a bubble and the hooting and hollering was muted by the sound of all the cars tires harsh press against the track. Which commonly people who go and pay the frequent price, which is very steep, to see their family race, have to pay the pit fee, and usually their ears practically bleed, and most people bring headphones, or ear plugs, so that doesn't occur.

I was racing in a small town by Orlando, and Josh, my number 1 fan came to congratulate the win I had just received. Josh really had grown fawn of racing, or so he suggests, or maybe he's just fawned of me. It really didn't matter to me, I loved Josh, but after all the icing I had down to his face, his leg, his arm, his stomach, practically every bone in his body, Hockey was not particularly my favorite sport. I enjoyed him being a feisty lawyer, Amaya and I have been friends for so long, that before she became a famous singer and horse back rider, she went to law school with josh. Both went to Harvard, and then there's me, I went to Stanford, to just simply become a teacher.

"How about some complimentary win ice cream, before heading home" He smiled and wrapped his arm around Me.

"That sounds great" We walked toward the trailer, that my dad brought out.

"There's my girl" My dad said wrapping me into a bear hug.

"Hey dad" I smiled as we released from a hug.

"You did great kiddo, sorry your mom couldn't make it, she had a work conference. She said to send her love, I'm sure you've talked to her" He said. Then addressed josh "Hey bud, how are you" He shook hands with him then patted him on the back "Can I offer you Guys something to drink, or you guys gotta go"

"We were thinking about getting some ice cream, if you wanna come with us" Josh said and smiled.

"Yeah that'd be good, where you guys staying at?"

"If you wanna just follow us, there's a good ice cream place by our hotel." I smiled.

"Alright." he said and went around to the driver side, and we headed to our rental truck. Because what is vacation if Josh can't have a Chevy truck.

"You're okay with him coming right" I asked Josh.

"Yeah, he's your dad, I've known him for years. He's my home dawg" with that I broke down laughing.

"Please don't ever say that again" I smiled and slugged him in the arm.

"What? You don't want to be my home dawg" He said turning the keys and starting the car.

"No, no not really" I laughed, and turned up the radio station.

Dani POV

I was dressed up In a pair of sweat pants, and had a glass of wine in my left hand, and the recent tabloid, tucked under my right arm, I went out to the deck, watched the rain pour down, as I was secure under the patio, I set my glass down, and flipped to the first page, and caught up on one of the kardashians. The rain droplets were perfect, the smell of rain triggered sense of relaxation. It was nice.

I had the house to myself tonight, Mikey was out on the road, playing a gig with his band in Las Vegas, He was going to be back just in time for the wedding, with like a day to prepare, he's coming back in time for the bachelor party, that he was attending, because I guess him and Greyson hit it off.

I had ordered Chinese take out, and had it with my wine, and then after this I was probably going to take a nice bubble bath, and go to bed.
Ding Dong (the doorbell noise)

I hopped out of the comfortable position I had managed to position myself in, I walked to the front door, and there Amaya & Lauren were, with bags of groceries.

"Girls night?" Amaya smiled, and in the moment I knew I had the best friends ever.

"Ohh, what'd you guys bring" I followed them into the kitchen.

"Starbucks drinks, your favorite, the green tea, and then we brought cookie, some tacos from Taco Bell, and by the look of these bags over her you already ate, and the cracked bottle of wine, you were going to go to bed early" I smiled because I knew Amaya was correct.

"Maybe" I laughed, and helped them unpack,

"Hey Alexa, turn on some music, for a girls night out" I said to the speaker thing, made sole fully for the purpose to search the Internet, set a timer/ alarm, or play loud music.

Some One direction came on, which we all were big fans of, and we danced around. Unloading groceries.

"So I was thinking some margaritas" Lauren said.

"Yeah, sounds good." Amaya Said and grabbed three cups.

"We brought movies, Some classics" She smiled and handed me A Disney princess movie, A cheesy romantic Comedy, and a drama.

"Yay, Oh I have some of that face masks stuff, that they started carrying at my store, you know because we are a Eco friendly store, but this stuff actually helps smooth skin and stuff" I said running into the downstairs bathroom.

"Here you guys go" I placed them near the movies and things to do station that they had set up.

"Oh yeah I've heard of this stuff, it's supposed to be great" Amaya the absolute health freak, and probably spent a lot of money at my store, in just the short amount she has been here.

"Yeah. I'm gonna make my margarita with strawberry and banana, what do you want" Lauren asked us.

"Same for me" Amaya said.

"Yeah that's good" I smiled. And climbed up to sit on the counter.

"here you ladies go" Lauren said handing us our drinks, Lauren's junior year of college she worked as a bartender, and i guess Amaya was one for a short period of her life.

I took a swig, "That's so good" I smiled, I felt like I was in paradise, because I really was, I was with my friends, what else could I need.

Take Two: RoadtripHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin