Katrina {2} & Lauren {2}

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Katrina (POV)

12 Days till the wedding.. :)

It was Tuesday, mid July, and great weather outside, considering I was outside running, with head phones in blaring some metal band, I hardly remember the name of. It was about 7 am, and the world wasn't awake, but I was. My plan was running about three miles, then grabbing a smoothie at that super cute smoothie hut, and then going to the hotel, taking a dip in the pool, and then probably tanning, and getting tan before the wedding.

I jogged, my heart was beating, and sweat was bundling up on my forehead, this was my everyday life, except now I was running by the beach, on the sidewalk of course, or those old people at the beach might beat me up with their purse or something. Every two seconds one foot would hit the ground, then the other, up until the point I finally hit the steps up to the smoothie shop, I walked inside, taking out my headphones, and wiping the sweat from my forehead.

"Hello Mam, early workout" The lady with medium length faded blonde with some pastel colors in it smiled.

"Yeah, it really was. Can I get a mango smoothie, with extra protein, and a muffin" I said, faintly out of breath.

"Sure. That's gonna be $3.68" She said.

"Alright" I pulled out the stuffed 5 dollar bill, that I had stuffed in the pockets of my running shorts.

"Keep the change" I smiled. and she looked happy.

"Hey, is your name Katrina?" She asked.

"Yeah, how'd you know" I asked.

"It's on that cover of the new weekly magazine, roadie eh. " Oh wow, I was on a magazine, I walked over to the small magazine rack, and saw my face, very blown up, but it was a decent picture, of when we first started the road trip.

"That's super cool, my first magazine cover" I smiled and she leaned her elbows on the counter.

"Oh, my name is Dani, just in case you were wondering." She smiled.

"I love the name, and you are super tumblr" I said admiring her glass rims, which were super cute, and her Maroon smock, with a 5sos pin, and a couple of other bands, and then she had on a tank top on underneath.

"Aw thanks, here let me give you my number and you can text me sometime and we can hang out, while you are down here in Florida" she smiled and grabbed a pen from behind her ear, and then a napkin, and then handed me the napkin and my smoothie of course.

"Thanks, I'll definitely text you. " I smiled, took of the wrapper at the top of the straw, that was already placed in my smoothie.

I took a sip, and walked out the doors and went down the stairs, and then I was swarmed with a crowd of fans, and people I didn't know, with cameras.

"Katrina, can you tell us what has been going on inside the minds of good darling" One reporter questioned.

"When are they planning on releasing their first album" Another asked, and then out of the blue, Amaya rushed through the crowd, and pulled me back inside the smoothie shop, just in time for Dani to lock the doors, and closed the blinds.

"Well. that was fun" I tried to lighten the panicked mood I was currently in .

"Oh yeah, tons" Dani laughed.

Take Two: RoadtripHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin