Amaya{4} & Iris {4}

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Amaya POV

"In life, we subject ourself to many opportunities, but how many do we take? We cry at sad movies, but do we understand the meaning? The answers to the many questions that surround my mind, are lost, lost at sea, lost deep in the ocean, pur-say, the wondering thoughts of so many others, do they all think the same?
Honestly being a Lawyer, and a up-in coming singer, and training horses, and running a resort , is a lot, for some, but that is the chance that I take for happiness, and I don't always understand sad movies, but they have a clear meaning, that life is imperfect, and so is everyone else. "
After Speaking with The Amaya Reynolds.. or should I say Diamond, We realize as a nation, that the world is viewed in so many perspectives, so why judge the world itself, why not just live in the moment. And we all know that's what Amaya Reynolds-Diamond is doing, going on a road trip through almost all 50 states, excluding New York, and Alaska, she is taking the high road on life, with her upcoming Disney World wedding, and hopefully a new album on the wraps, we just can't wait to see what Good Darling has in store.

"Did you read that, they can't wait to see what good daring has in store" Piper Exclaimed, now two days till the wedding, and the people magazine posted an upcoming article on us, and honestly it was the best thing in my entire life. My life was totally blessed .

"It's amazing." I smiled, and cracked open a bottle of champagne, "To celebrate the upcoming wedding, and a life of friendship" I smiled and raised a glass with the rest of the band.

"Cheers" They all said, I swigged a sip, and placed it down. We were sitting outside a recording studio, fixing on walking in, and laying down a track we had been working on, so that we could get even more buzz with the wedding, my publisher suggested.

"Who's ready to lay down our first track" I smiled, and looked around, everyone was so genuinely happy, it was Christmas, or just the holiday season in general.

"Yeah! let's go do this" Shawn said.


"That was probably the best thing I've ever done" I smiled as we walked outside into the glowing sun of Miami Florida, a Friday after noon, and the streets were buzzing.

"I can't believe we just did that" Piper said.

"I say we get burgers" Greyson suggested.

"I second that" Shawn said.

We hopped in the bus, and headed to a local burger joint.

"Mmmm smell that, that's the smell of success" Greyson joked, wrapping his arm around me, and kissing me on the forehead.

"You excited about the rehearsal dinner" He smiled.

"Oh you know it, not as excited as marrying my soul mate, but same thing" I joked.

"hurry up love birds" Pearl joked holding the door open for us.

"We're coming, coming" We said and raced to the door.


Iris POV

"I would like to make a pre-toast, to the almost man and wife, Amaya, we've been friends for as long as I can remember, you have been an amazing friend, not only a friend but a sister to me. And Greyson, You've been a part of Amaya and i's life for some time, and you've been a great friend, I wish you guys the best" Piper said and sat back down, I saw her eyes fill with tears.

I saw Amaya reach next to her to Piper and squeeze her arm, and flash a smile as her eyes water.


"Well that was quite the night, I don't know about you guys but I am excited about our bachelorette party" I smiled, we sat in the bed of Alex's rental truck, we all had drinks in our hand, most of us had our rehearsal dinner semi- formal dresses on, and then Dani & Amaya had put on shorts, and had their mans jacket. and we're wrapped in blankets.

"I want us to cheers, cheers to life, and friends" Amaya smiled and raised her almost empty beer bottle.

"Cheers" We all said clinking glasses.

We laughed and stared at the stars.

"Good night my love" I kissed Dylan on the cheek, and smiled as his eyes scrunched up, and he had smiling wrinkles.

"Goodnight, I love you" He said turning off his lamp light.

I looked at the ceiling, and then figuring I couldn't sleep, slowly creeped off the bed, and went and say my beautiful daughter, fast asleep in the second bedroom with her "Cousin" Layla, pipers daughter. Layla was sitting on her phone, she had earbuds on.

I tapped on her shoulder, and she removed an earbud.

"Hey, you wanna go get an ice cream or something" I smiled.

"Auntie, it's like 11pm. " She smiled.

"So, let's be adventurous, I can't sleep. and you don't look tired." I said anxiously.

"Okay, okay, let me put on slippers." She got up, in yoga pants, and a Shawn Mendes shirt on.


"This is so good, how come we haven't gone here all together, how'd you know about this place" Layla asked, we had slipped into a booth, the only crazy people in this little ice cream & fries cafe, a little ways down the road from the hotel.

"I don't know why we haven't came, I like to keep this place a secret. " I smiled "Back in the day, my best friend and I came here, all the time. so they have had the same owner and staff for a while, so they keep it open for all night. " I said. We licked the outside of the cone.

"that's pretty cool" She smiled and pulled out her phone. "Here let's take a late night selfie" She smiled. And I had put ice cream on my nose to make a silly picture, and she copied, and her smile flashed pure happiness.

"So are you excited to go back to the Tour" I asked.

"Omg yes. it's been amazing" she smiled " I've only gone to like 3, but they have been amazing." she smiled so eagerly.

"I'm sure, all bands you like right? and you get to do it with your best friend." I said.

"Yeah my parents are truly wonderful."

Take Two: RoadtripHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin