Piper {5} & Dani {5}

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Piper POV

Josh and I were seated at a picnic table, Josh was on his second beer, more like fancy beer, In a wine glass, because this was Disney, and a wedding. At Least we weren't paying the hella expensive prices that you had to pay at Disney, but all expenses were paid for, most were actually paid by the press, the rest by Maya's dad.

Layla had managed to sweet talk a cute little fella into dancing with her, I couldn't believe my daughter was talking to boys, scary what multiple music festivals and high school does to a girl. She was sipping some sparkling cider, and twirling her hair, like a giggly school girl. I stopped stalking her, even though she was adorable in her pastel purple lace dress, her lips this gorgeous color by Mac, and her eyemakeup was spot on, but what honestly did I know about eye makeup.

The night sky was beautiful, the moon and stars sparkled, and the lights outside were beautiful.

A few moments later Amaya walked up to the stage. She got onto the mic "Hey guys, I just wanted to say how blessed I am to have so many wonderful people in my life, Tonight we are going to celebrate my marriage, and celebrate love, because no pun intended love is in the air. " She has the waiters/ Disney characters rush out and hand everyone lanterns, and a lighter.

"On the count of three we are going to let them go, if my lovely husband could come up here. that'd be fantastic. " She smiled.

Greyson walked through the rows of picnic tables, and walked up the steps to the stage.

"Three, two, and " everyone lit their lanterns "one" the lanterns floated up into the air, it was a beautiful sight, literally the sky lit up.

Everyone had their cameras and phones out taking tumblr af pictures.

magical, magical moments occurring here at Disney world.

Dani POV

The night was fading out, people were leaving, saying their goodbyes, grabbing their goody bag, and hugging the bride and groom.

The pictures we took were lovely, the night was fantastic, and not to mention since I was a brides maid, I had a Disney world room, at the hotel, Amaya & Greyson would be staying in the lovely castle, in the honeymoon room.

(I will post some pictures of what the pictures taken would look like if this were to actually happen)

Mikey &I Is legs were killing us, we danced, rode some rides, and laughed a lot. And not to mention ate a lot. I probably gained 5 pounds.

"Do you need some help with anything" I asked Maya.

"Wanna help me carry these gifts back to the hotel room"

"Yeah sure" I said picking up a couple gifts off of the mound of wedding gifts at the entrance of the park.

"I wonder what are in here" She smiled.

"You are going to love my gift" I smiled and nudged her.

"I'm sure" She typed in the elevator code, and the elevator pried open.

I got here a bracelet, that was small and light, and diamond encrusted, it had a little heart Gem, and had a & d because we were always going to be friends. Even if we hadn't been friends for a while, I knew it was going  to be a long friendship. I also got her & Greyson matching wool blankets.


Take Two: RoadtripHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin