Amaya {5} & Iris {5}

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Amaya POV

I heard the bridesmaid song, they walked down the aisle to the run of a Taylor swift song, it was cute. My niece was the flower girl, and my nephew was the ring bearer. I was nervous, nervous not for the fact to get married, just all these anxious nerves, and I just couldn't wait to marry my best friend.

"Time to shine" The main director of the whole Disney world wedding production thing.

The song "can't help falling in love" the Elvis Presley version came on as I walked down, the veil swaying in the back, as my maid of honor (Piper) walked behind me, my dad on my arm, we walked to the beat of the music, like band kids on the marching field. I saw Greyson, nice tux, nice shoes, let's just look at his flawless face, he looked a little different without his all time favorite cowboy boots, he was my country bumpkin, I think that's a thing.

The flowers I held, Daisies, my favorite, the smelled amazing, I could help but waft them as I walked. I looked at this ballroom, as I got closer to the end, it was magnificent, just like the whole place of Disney world. I walked up to the podium, my dad shed some tears, and kissed me on the cheek then returned to his seat. Somewhere near my mom, even though they were divorced. They could get over it for their daughters wedding day.

The preacher began the ceremony, all the typical, I dos were said, as we looked into each other's eyes, we stayed our vows, his made me cry, of course. And I saw him tear up, as much as he was a country boy, and acted tough like he was at the rodeo 24-7.

"You may now kiss the bride" The magical moment every one pictures, he swept me off my feet, and kissed me. We walked off happily, onto the reception. That was help at the outdoor area, full of lights, the band, rides were open all night just for us. I was married, the diamond on my hand was me being married, my last name was no longer the same. I was Mrs Greyson Stevens. It's like I was a new person, the unreal, like fantasy, daze that I had been swiveled up into was the most surreal moment of my life.

"Woohoo" Our closest family and friends cheered as we walked down the aisle to exit, and everyone followed.

Soon everyone went their own ways, to get ready for the reception that began at 5pm, and it was now 3.

Greyson grabbed my hand, and turned me down a hall way that I believe led to a small courtyard.

He kissed me, and it was amazing, as always.

"Come here, I want to show you something" We went up one of the back elevators. And stopped at the top floor, we walked down a long hallway, and went up a flight of stairs, to this small room, that I didn't even notice, it was at the top of the castle.

"So I took you here, because there is a legend, that after weddings, they come here, and magic happens, and look at this view" He pointed out the window, he picked up a guitar, and started to play photograph by Ed Sheehan, I adored his voice. And this song. Because Ed Sheehan is a god.

We harmonized, and we smiled as we had a magic moment, our eyes locked, as he played the guitar, this was love. I knew it.

Iris POV

I was dressed In a pastel purple dress, some white sparkle heels, My hair curled with the flower, like I had for the ceremony. The reception was about twenty minutes from now, I was helping getting the stage set. The roller coasters were setting up, the sparkle lights were being set up around picnic tables. Disney world was unbelievably pretty.

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

 {A mix between the picture above}

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

{A mix between the picture above}

I was in one of the Disney suites. A small room, for the three of us, but the bathroom was incredible, perfect selfie lighting.

text from Group chat😂

Piper: what time do we perform?
Dani: I believe 5:30?
Lauren: Yeah 5:30, Maya's face is going to be priceless. She's probably going to cry.
Me: probably 💖

"If the happy couple could make their way to the dance floor, for the first dance"

The song making memories of us, was their first dance. That song was the first duet they ever did together in the band. It was great to watch them, Amaya smiled so hard, and the way Greyson looked at her, Amaya was dressed in pastel mint green lace dress, the sleeves were off the shoulder, it was pretty. He hair was now down, curly, and flowers like the bridesmaids.

After the song ended, it was father daughter, which was daddy's little girl by Tim McGraw, you could see her dad crying.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, and Dylan held out his hand. And Our amazing little girl was with us.

Pipers husband and daughter were out on the Floor too.

Take Two: RoadtripHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin