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Jungkook's POV

"Fuck this guy! Just wait and see!"

I couldn't stop myself from silently cursing while watching two stupid guys flirting in front of me.

Yeah, V hyung and Jimin.

They're basically feeding each other here in this damn coffee shop. They said it is our maknae-line bonding, my ass!

By looking at us now, I'm just like the third-fucking-wheel of vmin-shit!

"Kookie, you're not drinking your coffee. It's getting cold. Come on drink it."

V hyung looked at me and carefully lifted my mug. Jimin slightly pushed the plate full of cookies to me.

"Eat up maknae. We ordered a lot so let's eat everything." -Jimin with his high-pitched voice.

I smiled at them but couldn't deny the fact that I wanna drink my coffee at once and shove the plate of cookies to them and get out of the hell-coffee shop.

I picked a cookie and sip a little from my now cold coffee.

And bless my day, they went back from talking like I'm not around.

I totally lost my appetite so I pushed my mug away from me and put the cookie down the plate, which I didn't even give a single bite.

I stood up and walked out from that suffocating place. I heard them call my name but I ignored and walked faster.

I arrived in our dorm and saw NamJin hyungs watching TV.

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