Carry Me Pt. 2

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I changed the channel again when I heard rustles outside our dorm.

I stood up and check it and...




"Ssshhh! Don't be too loud Jiminnie."

Says Jhope hyung carrying 5 plastic bags on both arms. Same goes with Kookie.

"Why didn't you call us to help you carry all of these? These are too many and...snack?!"

"Yah, keep it low Jimin. Jin hyung might hear you."

Kookie says trying to hold the bags.

"Yah, I'm your hyung. Let me help you, idiots!"

I offered my help which they desperately accepted. I got 2 bags from each.

We entered the dorm and trying not to make much noise, unfortunately...


I was trying to take a nap but I couldn't sleep so I decided to join Jimin in the living room.

"Jimin I..."

I was about to ask what's on but saw no one on the sofa and the TV is still on.

"Maybe that kid went to the restroom."

I murmured before flopping on the sofa and looked for a drama to watch.

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