Hyung, you say? Pt. 3

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Jungkook literally just threw Taehyung on his bed emitting a girlish scream from the latter. Taehyung immediately sits up while Jungkook proceeded to his closet, getting handcuffs and lube.

"Jungkook, this is crazy. I-"

"Shut your pretty mouth and obey me."

Jungkook walks back to his bed hiding the lube and handcuff behind.

"What did you say?"

He asks when Taehyung mumbled something.


But the blush says he's lying.

"Say it."

He sternly ordered.

"Why are you so mad? It's not like this is the first time I went out with my hwarang hyungs. You never acted like this."

Taehyung answers with a pout and crosses his arms while looking up at amused Jungkook.

"Are you saying I shouldn't be mad?"

"It's not like that but you keep saying I am yours..."

"Aren't you?"

"I'm not a to-"

"You are mine, Kim Taehyung."

"No. You're not even my boyfriend-"

"You are now my boyfriend."


"You. Are. My. Boyfriend."

"A-are you s-serious?"

"Dead serious."

"If this is one of your jokes, Kook, I swear to God-"

"Will you accept me as a boyfriend?"

"Yeah! Wait, what?!"

"So, we're boyfriends now."

Jungkook smirks once again.

Taehyung had his mouth agape and blush spreading on his cheeks.


Jungkook widened his eyes when Taehyung starts sobbing. He kneeled down, sneakily putting the items behind Taehyung's back.

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