Who's that girl? Pt. 2

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I saw Suga hyung losing against the two.


I glared at Changjo. He only smirks at me.

I licked my lips before slyly smiling at him. He furrowed his brows.

I made a swift turn kicking him on his shin making him fall on the floor groaning in pain. I got on top of him and started punching him in the face.

Students are cheering for no one, they just want to see people fight.

I can smell the blood from him. Once I know he can't stand up, I turned to Suga hyung.

Shit. CAP is already on top of him.

I dropped the almost unconscious Changjo and rushes towards them only to stumble back and grip my abdomen.

I looked up and saw Niel.

This bastard just kicked me.

I tried approaching again. It was too late for me to avoid his kick aiming my face. I tried dodging it but it still got my jaw.

Fuck. That hurts!

I stumbled backward and came face to face to a round and mesmerizing eyes.

"You gotta take care of me after this, baby."

I smirked at his flustered face before turning back to the fight.

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