He's my Target - YoonMin

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Since some of you were asking where they were, here's a short chapter.


Yoongi dashes out of the house fuming in anger.


Jimin calls him but he didn't stop walking fast.

"Hyung, please wait."

"Jimin, I need to walk for a while. I might beat Jungkook right now."

Suga sighs, calming himself.

"Hyung, it's okay. I'll walk with you."

Jimin shyly says.

Yoongi looks at his boyfriend before smiling slightly. He stretches his hand towards the boy.


"Take my hand already before I change my mind."

He coldly speaks but that didn't stop Jimin from blushing and taking his hand.

Yoongi intertwines their fingers and put it in his coat pocket.

"Ah, it's cold."


"I don't know what to do about Jungkook."

Yoongi stops walking near the park and releases Jimin's hand.

He brought his cigar and lighter out. He wants to smoke and he only smokes when he's mad or stressed out.

He was about to light his cigar when Jimin snatches it from his lips.


"Hyung, smoking is bad."

Jimin pouts before throwing the stick to the nearest bin.

"Come here."

Yoongi ordered.

Jimin obeyed still pouting.

Once Jimin is in front of him, Yoongi pulled him by the waist and kisses him a bit roughly. Jimin returns the kiss and lets Yoongi invade his mouth. He tasted the mint gum his hyung always chews.

"You better kiss me everytime I'm tempted to smoke, baby."

"I won't kiss you if you smoke again."

"So it's a deal?"



I told you it's a short chapter.

ok bye, back to KookTae/KookV for the next shot/s.

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