Loving can Hurt Pt. 2

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"Next, Taehyung and Jungkook!"


(Still JK's POV)

My eyes widened.


Am I rooming with him?

"Teacher, please. Let me room with Taehyung instead."

"Park Jimin, like what I told you I can't change partners now."

The teacher sternly spoke.

I looked at Taehyung but he had his head down.

While his two other friends who just protested glared at me then showed a worried face to Taehyung.

The teacher dismissed the students and let us go to our respective rooms.

Once we arrived at the door, Wonwoo stopped and held Taehyung's hand.

"Our rooms are close. If anything happens just shout or do anything that can make a noise."

Wonwoo instructed Taehyung and Jimin beside him nodded.

"Ne, Taehyung-ah. My room is over there so knock whenever you want."

Jimin added.

Why are they acting like he's not safe? With me?

They glared at me again before leaving us two to enter our room.

Silence filled the room as we locked the door.

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