Loving can Hurt Pt. 3

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I panicked when his eyes got teary again. I advanced and sat on the edge of his bed.


(Still JK's POV)

"I really wanted to hate you Jeon Jungkook. You're such an asshole and a bully. I wanted to hate you so...so much but I just can't. Yesterday, when you insulted me in the hallways and when you hit me with the ball, I promised myself to stop loving you and hate you and avoid you-"

"Wait. Wait, what?"

He sniffles and wipes his tears with the back of his hand.


He asks back.

"The one you said after I hit you with the ball."

Shit, why is my heart beating faster now?

"That I hate you?"

He asks and he looks so cute right now.

"No, the one before you said you hate me?"

Fuck, why can't I just ask him directly?

He seems to ponder for a while before blushing and tried covering his face.

"I mean...I said I hate you."

Wait, did I hear him wrong or what?


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