Back Together

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I don't wanna spoil you but okay.


"Why are you so grumpy again, Jungkook?"

"Nothing. Just leave me alone, Jimin."

"See? You do not even call me hyung again."



Suga's warning tone made Jungkook sigh and apologize to Jimin.

"I know you're tired from our promotions but we can have a rest this week. Don't be grumpy to your hyungs, maknae." –Rapmon

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Just get some good rest for now." –Jin

Jungkook nodded before leaving the others in the living room.

"Why is he always in a bad mood these days? He wasn't like that 2 weeks ago. He was very giggly and happy especially with Tae- speaking of Tae, where is he?" –Jhope

"He messaged me awhile ago. He said he's gonna meet one of his hyungs." –Jimin

"Before our promotion this week, I observed that TaeKook were ignoring each other. I mean they are really annoying at times but it's more annoying when they are not themselves." –Jin

"I'll talk to Kook. Jimin, talk to your bestfriend. He never listens to me."

Suga stood up and followed JK in his room.



I know I shouldn't feel this way but I feel like I wanna punch something or throw anything.

I know I'm so stupid. Why did I even break up with him?

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