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***Wow, it's been 3 days. Wassup thirsty kids?***


(Jeon is older here like maybe 5 years older than Taehyung.)


"Jimin, I'll be home late. I need to finish my project in the studio."

"But Tae, you promised you will come with me to meet Yoongi hyung."

"Aish, Jimin. Just go and enjoy your date with your crush. I don't understand why you both don't make it official when you are obviously into each other."

"That's not true! He just visits us and checks on us every week."

"Yeah, yeah. He travels 3 hours every weekend just see us, especially you. Obviously, he's courting you!"

"Ugh! I can't believe you. I'm leaving."

"Yeah, you don't wanna be teased. Okay, bye."

"I hate you!"

"Thank you. See you at the apartment. I hope he returns you tonight."


"Go now so I could start and finish my project early."

"Fine. Fine. Take care. Message me later."

Jimin left with pinkish cheeks. I smiled at myself. Actually, Yoongi hyung asked me to let Jimin meet him alone today. He said he would finally ask Jimin out.

I sighed in content before heading to the art studio of our school. I brought everything I needed to finish my project.

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