Who's that girl?

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"Can you fucking use your fucking goddam eyes when walking, you piece of bullshit nerdy?!"

"I-I am so s-sorry, J-Jungkook. I d-dint mean to b-bump into you. I am really...r-really sorry."

"Shut up!"

"Guk, that's enough. It's the first day of school."

"Yeah, hyung and it is already ruined!"

"You. Leave."

Suga pointed at the scared nerd.

The other needn't to be told twice as he ran as fast as he could and away from the mad guy.

"I should beat the shit out of him. It's too early for him to mess with me."

"Chill, will you? I heard we got some newbies and transferees this year."

"Suga hyung, do you think we'll have some interesting students this time?"

"Who knows? We'll find that out today."


"Have you heard of the two transferees? The sophomores?"

"Yes! They were unbelievable!"

"I never saw them but they're making a buzz!"

I saw them and I swear you wouldn't believe me!"

Whispers among students echoed in the room as soon as Jungkook entered. Suga followed, since he doesn't wanna attend his first class, he decided to sit in. it doesn't matter when the teacher notices, they won't be able to shoo him anyway.

They took their seats by the window and both lifted their feet and placing them to the seats in front.

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