Hyung, you say? Pt. 2

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The ride was slow and uncomfortable for Taehyung. He constantly peeks at the man concentrated in driving.

Taehyung looked around and realized JK took him to his apartment.

"Kook, why did you take me here?"

No answer.

Jungkook gets off the car and marched to his side. once again, harshly opening the door and snatching his wrist.

"Ouch! Jungkook, you're hurting me!"

He keeps pulling his wrist with a whimper making Jungkook grip tighter not minding when he leaves bruises.

After opening the door, he didn't bother locking it.

Jungkook went directly to his kitchen still dragging Taehyung. When they reached the kitchen, he lets go of Tae's wrist.

Tae sighed in relief and bruise starts to be visible around his wrist.

Jungkook didn't spare a glance at him and continued drinking a glass of water.

"What's with you today, Kook?"

Tae asks wanting to know the root of JK's anger.

"What's with me? No, Tae. What's with you?!"

He speaks harshly making Tae jump and step back.

"L-let's talk when you're no longer ma-"

His eyes went wide he felt another tight grip around his waist. He was suddenly cornered in the counter.

"Don't you fucking play with me, Tae. I can wreck you right here, right now."

Taehyung shivered as he stared at the other's dark and blazing orbs.


"T-then...why are m-mad?"

He tried to relax thinking this is just one of their few misunderstandings.

"First, you ditched our lunch. Second, you ignored my messages. Third, You skipped 2 classes or more for all I know, just to fucking meet your hwarang hyung. Fourth-"

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