Everyone was asking Gumball questions. It was so hard to think.
"SHUT UP!!!!!!" All eyes were staring at him, mouths wide open. "This is how it happend......"
Delivery Room (Gumball's Room.)
Lee's stomach killed him. He was terrified. Marcaline took his hand.
"Hey, it's going to be ok." Lee shook his head.
"I want Gumball in here, NOW!" He heard a pop from his back. "Awww!! My back is killing me. And why won't you let Gumball in here, you IDIOT!" Maciline quickly went out of the room.
Outside The Birth Room
"Ewwwwww." Finn and Fionna closed their eyes and rocked back and forth on the floor holding their knees close.
"You two and birds and bees? Jake said confused. PG nodded.
"After that...." The door flung open.
"PB and PG, I need you both in here now! Jake and Cake, I need you two to get warm washcloths." They all nodded. Jake and Cake went to the bathroom.
"AAAAAWWWWWWW!!!!!!! GGUUUMMMBAAALLL!" Gumball pushed past Marcy and into the room. The two girls went in and closed the door. Gumball was next to Lee.
"Ok. PB, I need your help getting the baby out."
"How? I'm only good with Candy--"
"I'll tell you what to do." Princess Bubblegum nodded.
"Gumball I HATE YOU! You had to get into---" Marshall gripped hard on PG's hand. He winced a little. "I'm sorry. I'm just really scared." Gumball patted him.
"Shh. It's ok. I'm right here."
"Ok. I need to cut open Marshall's stomach. And when I open it, PB you grab the baby and put it in this towel ok."
"Got it." Jake and Cake gave Gumball the warm washcloths. He put them on his forehead. Marcy cut open his stomach. Marshall screamed so loud. Everyone covered their ears.
"Gummy!" Marshall was crying. Gumball wiped away his tears.
"Shh Shh shh. Your almost done." Lee groaned a little."
"Now PB!" She grabbed the baby and put it in the towel. Marcy quickly stiched up Marsh. A few minutes later PB gave the baby to Marshall. The baby boy had pink hair and skin like Gumball, and a heart beat. He had vampire teeth and had Marshall's red eyes.
"He's so adorable." Gumball said. Lee agreed. He gasped.
"Gumball, we need a name." Gumball stared at the baby. The other people came in. Fionna, Finn, Jake, Cake, Princess Bubblegum, and Marciline were all around the bed. Marshall looked at Fionna and Finn.
"Finn, Fi. We need your help."
"With what?" Fionna asked. Lee gave the baby to Fionna.
"What do we call him?" Fionna and Finn looked at him. He smiled.
"What about Smiley?" Said Finn. Gumball shook his head.
"George." Cinnamon Bun said. Lee shook his head. Everyone gave a name. Fionna thought of something.
"What about Leo?" Marshall took him back. The couple looked at him and smiled.
"Welcome to your new home Leo." Everyone cheered. Gumball gave Fi a nudge.
"You are great with names." Fionna smiled. Leo laughed. Marshall gave him a kiss on the head.