Everyone was in Gumball's lab. Simone was laying on the table and Marshall Lee was holding her hand. Marcaline put Leo and Bella in their play mat for a nap and Peppermint Maid watched them. Marcy was right next to Marshy trying to comfort him. Gumball and Bubblegum were trying to make the crown on her work but it wouldn't. Simone smiled at Marshall.
"Sing me a song Marshy, I love how you sing." Tears were rolling down Marshall's face. He smiled a little.
"O-ok." He coughed a little. He pulled out a picture of him when he was a kid and sang what was written on the back.
Gumball put the crown on Simone and she transformed back into Ice Queen.
"What am I doing here." She gets up and looks at Gumball. "Oh, I guess you are madly in love with me and kidnapped me." Gumball blushed while the others laughed. Marshall hugged Simone. She stood there and gave a weird look. "This feels.... nice."
"It's supposed to Simone." She hugged back.
Later That Night
Gumball put Leo down for bed. He went back to his bedroom and saw Marshall Lee laying down holding a stuffed toy. He went over and got into bed and saw that Marshall was crying.
"Marsh why are you crying?" He held him in his arms. Marshall clung to his toy.
"I'm sorry. It's just that I miss Simone. She, she gave me this toy when I was a kid because I was scared." Gumball kissed him on the cheek.
"Are you scared now?"
"No, just worried. I remember her and she remembers me, but not as Simone."
"Lee I'm sorry. But you know we can't change her. She's pure human, she'll eventually-" Marshall got out of bed.
"I KNOW DIE!" He had his back turned away from him. "Fionna is going to die, Finn, Jake, Cake... even you." Gumball raced up to Lee and hugged him tightly.
"I will always love you hunny. I will never let anything happen to you." Marshall was crying.
"Promise?" He chocked out. Gumball turned him around and they stared at eachother.
"PROMISE." Lee put his head on his shoulder and Gumball hugged him tightly. "Are you better now?" Marshall nodded and smiled. Gumball smiled too. He picked him up and put him to bed. He covered him up and got into bed himself. Marshall was still a little worried, but was ok when Gumball was around.