Leo had finished all of his blood bags and done with blood.....well...
"Marshall Lee isn't today the day Leo should stop drinking blood?" Gumball asked. Lee and Gumball had to do some redesigning to the Candy Kingdom to make the Vampire Kingdom fit too. They both asked if Finn and Fionna could watch him, and of course they agreed. Leo was drinking a little from Marshall Lee.
"Uh... maybe." Gumball gave him a look.
"Ok, yes. But I don't want him to stop. He's growing up way to fast." Gumball kissed him on the cheek.
"I know, but you need to let him grow up."
"I know. Let's just drop him off at Fionna's." Gumball smiled.
Fionna's House
It has been three months since Finn and Fionna have started dating and they loved it. They would kiss, (On the lips. 😗) go out and talk about themselves. It was perfect. They were on the couch kissing when Cake noticed.
"HEY!" They stopped and looked up. "I'm going out with Mr. Handsome Unicorn and while I'm out, don't do anything stupid." They both laughed.
"We won't Cake." Finn said.
"Mmhmm. Just because I'm friends with your brother, doesn't mean I can't smack you for something stupid. He even said if you were doing something stupid, I should sit on you."
"CAKE!" Fionna said blushing.
"Alright I'm going, just remember I got my eyes on you two." She headed for the door and opened it and saw Marshall Lee, Gumball, and Leo. "Hi baby." Cake made a raddle out of her hand and Leo laughed. Marshall smiled. Cake looked up at him. "Oh Marshall good news, your not on my death note now." Lee gave her a look.
"BYE CAKE." Fionna yelled.
"Alright I'm going, I'm going. But remember, I have my eyes on you two." She then left. Gumball gave a puzzling look to the two teens.
"Should we-" Fionna interupted.
"It's nothing." Lee smiled.
"Well ok then, bye Leo. We'll be back soon." He kissed him on the cheek and looked at him. Leo smiled. "Ok. Bye." He handed Leo to Fionna and rushed out of the house. Fionna gave Gumball a look.
"Is Marsh ok?" Gumball nodded.
"Yeah, he just doesn't want Leo to grow up." Gumball kissed Leo on the cheek. "Be good ok?"
"And we won't take him in the sun." Finn said.
"Good. Thank you again, we should be back at 7:00 tonight."
"Ok. Later PG." Gumball waved goodbye and headed out. He seen Lee waiting with an umbrella over him.
"Ready to go?" Lee asked. Gumball smiled and took his partner's hand.
Fionna's House
Finn was playing with Leo on the floor. Leo was in the crawling stage so the two made sure he couldn't go up or down the stairs unless they had him.
"Fionna look at him." Finn exclaimed. Fionna laughed. Then something smelled. She pinched her nose.
"Hey Finn?" He looked up.
"It wasn't me, I swear." Fionna laughed.
"No, it was Leo. Can you grab me the diaper from Leo's bag?" Finn gave Fionna Leo and went to the pink and blue diaper bag and grabbed a diaper and some wipes. Fionna laid him down on the couch and took off the dirty one. Finn came back with the diaper and wipes. Fionna gave Finn the dirty diaper and cleaned Leo. Then when she was about to put his diaper on, Leo shot his pee at Finn.
"YUCK! Pft." Leo was giggling so was Fionna.
"Finn..... maybe you need.... a shower." She couldn't help laughing. He gave her a look and went upstairs. "Good job Leo."
Candy Kingdom
"So, the Vampire Kingdom needs a lot of space-"
"So we could add this there-"
"And the clock tower there-"
"And that-"
"Should about-"
"Do it." Gumball and Marshall smiled and told the constructors to go ahead with the building.
"Well, we still have another two hours before we pick up Leo, what do you want to do?" Gumball asked Marshall. Marshall smiled.
Gumball's And Lee's House
"I.... told... you that th- this was a good... decision." Marshall said panting. Gumball smiled. Their clothes were scattered around.
"Let's do some more. I'll hurt you more if you want." Gumball said kissing him on his stomach.
"Ok. But hold on, I really need to use the bathroom. That last one made me shiver a little." Marshall got up but was hurting a little down South. He put on his boxers. He winced a little while going to the bathroom. He was in there and felt his stomach cramp up. After he was done using the bathroom he threw up a little.
10 minutes later
Gumball was starting to get a little worried.
"Hey Marsh you ok in there?" He asked. In the bathroom, Lee wiped off a little throw up from his mouth.
"Yeah, I'm c-coming out.... now." He flushed the toilet and sprayed some bublegum spray in there so his partner wouldn't suspect anything. He came out and put his pants on.
"Are you ok?" Marshall nodded.
"Yeah, I just want to keep my clothes on, I'm a little...cold." Gumball didn't believe it, but didn't say anything.
"Well, I'm gonna get dressed and pick up Leo. Do you want to come?" Marshall put on his shirt and shoes.
"Nah, I think I'm just going to stay and get along with your servers some more." Gumball gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Well ok. I'll see you soon."
"Bye." Gumball went down the stairs and left. When he heard him shut the door, he went downstairs too.
"Peppermint Maid." She was preparing dinner.
"Yes King Marshall."
"I need you to do me a favor please."
Fionna's House
Leo was asleep on the play mat, while Finn and Fionna were... um.
"What are they doing Narrator!?"
Cake maybe you should see for yourself.
"Uh-no! I knew I shouldn't trust that Finn boy. Let me go in!"
But you don't go in yet. Your still on your date.
"Well when do I come back?!"
The next morning, you spend the night at the Unicorn's house.
"FINE! Oh JAKE! Stop baking pancakes, I need to tell you something."
Well then. I'm just going to skip this part.
30 minutes later
"Thanks again for watching Leo."
"No prob PG."
"Oh and remember the party is at 6:00."
"Got it. I told Marcy and PB about it and they said they could watch Leo for those three days."
"Thanks Finn. I never really see much from them anymore. Oh well. Thanks again."
"Bye." Finn and Fionna said together.
Convenient Store
Marshall Lee asked Peppermint Maid to go get a pregnancy test for him. He told her if anyone asked, tell them it was for her friend. She got the stick and came home.
Marshall Lee's And Gumball's House
Marshall Lee was hugging his Leo.
"Hey baby boy did you have fun?" Gumball nodded.
"When I came there he was smiling in his sleep." Peppermint Maid walked in.
"King Marshall I have the...." Marshall handed Leo to Gumball and ran over to her.
"Oh. Thank you for the red apples Peppermint Maid." He winked at her. She nodded and walked away. He looked at Gumball.
"Sorry, I was a bit hungry."
"Ok... well I'm going to put Leo in bed."
"I'm going to get my jam jams on."
"You've been hanging around Finn and Fionna too much." Gumball chuckled and went upstairs.
In The Bathroom
Marshall waited patiently till the stick beeped. He grabbed it, covering it.
"Here goes nothing." He uncovered it. "Oh my glob." There was knocking on the door.
"Hey Marsh, I have to go. Are you almost done?" Gumball said. Marshall looked down and threw it in the trash.
"Yeah." He opened the door and Gumball quickly went in. Lee chuckled and went to lay down. Gumball soon came out and laid next to him. He wrapped his arms around Lee.
"Hey honey." Marshall looked up at the fan.
"Yeah Marsh."
"Do you ever see us later on with more kids?" Gumball sat up.
"Lee, I think we should wait a while. I just don't have time for another one." Lee sat up too.
"Oh... ok. Maybe..... Later then." Lee laid back down. Gumball noticed he was a little depressed for a few days now. He laid down too.
"Lee, is there something you want to talk to me about?" Marshall shook his head.
"It's fine. Let's just get some sleep ok?"
"Hey, you know I won't be mad. C'mon what do have on your mind?"
"Gumball, please. Let's just talk about this later." Gumball sighed and Lee turned away from him.
Marshall's Dream
"Gumball, I'm pregnant."
"Your what!?"
"I'm having a baby, Leo is going to have a brother-" Gumball is packing his things. "Your going to be a dad again. Why are you packing your things?" Gumball is about to leave when Lee put a hand on his shoulder. "Gumball--" He slaps him in the face and Lee falls to the ground.
"I told you no more kids! I HATE YOU! I'M LEAVING! You can raise Leo and that stupid baby by yourself!!!" Leo just sits there.
"AAAAAWWWWWWW" Lee cried loudly sitting up. Gumball woke up and saw this. He sat up, turn on the lamp, and wrapped his arms around him.
"Marshall, shh shh shh. It's ok. Calm down, what happened?" Lee buried his head in Gumball's chest.
"IT'S NOT OK? You'll leave me if you found out. I just know it." He cries some more.
"Honey, no I'm not. Please tell me. I don't care if you done something in the past. I still love you." Lee lifted his head out of his chest, tears still rolling down. Gumball wiped them away.
"You said y-you didn't want anymore. Th-that you didn't h-have time." Gumball gasped.
"Marshall, are you pregnant?" Lee nooded.
"Please don't be mad and leave." Gumball hugged him tightly.
"I will never leave you, or be mad. I'm so happy. Leo is going to be an older brother." They broke from their hug.
"Are you sure you want another one? I can leave if you want."
"Are you kidding me? Marsh, I don't want you to leave. I love you, Leo and our new baby." Lee smiled and gave him a kiss on the lips. "Now, let's get some rest ok." Gumball and Lee laid down, Gumball's arms wrapped around Lee's.
"I love you Gummy."
"Me too Marsh."