Getting Use To Gabrielle

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Marshall Lee was feeding Gabrielle some of his blood like he did for Leo in the living room, while Leo was playing with his new toys he got from his birthday. Marshall was watching both of kids while Gumball got some more bags of blood from the Vampire Kingdom. Leo stopped playing and looked up at his daddy.
"Daddy. Can you pway wit me?" Marshall wanted to make Leo happy but he just couldn't right now. Gabrielle was just a couple of days old and it was hard to do stuff when she needed him.
"I'm sorry Leo. Gabrielle needs to eat. I'll play with you when I put her down for a nap. Ok buddy?" Leo didn't like his new sister at all. It was taking forever for daddy to play with him. Gumball was too busy trying to make Lee comfortable after giving birth to their second child, so he didn't have time to play. Gabrielle was done drinking and was slowly going to sleep. Marshall slowly got up and carfully put her on her play mat that was right next to the couch. Marsh walked over to Leo.
"Ok Leo. Gabby is put to sleep, so we can play but we have to use our inside voices." Leo nodded and smiled. As soon as they were about to play Gumball entered the house and closed the door to loudly. Gabby woke up crying. Marsh sighed and went over to her and picked her up and glared at Gumball. Gumball saw this.
"Oh. Sorry. Good news is that I got a whole bunch blood bags for Gabrielle." Lee smiled as he rocked Gabby back to sleep. Gumball looked at Leo. "Hey Leo, do you want to help father put away the bags?" Leo nodded and ran to his father. While they were putting the blood away, Marsh was still trying to get Gabby to sleep.
"Sweetie what's wrong?" He said and rubbed his hand on her back. Then he smelled something awful. "That's what's wrong." He took Gabby upstairs to her pink room. (Lee convinced Gumball a dark pink.)
The two finished putting away the bags. Lee looked up at Gumball.
"Father. Can you pway with me pwease?" Lee had the puppy dog face. Gumball smiled nodded.
"Sure Leo. We can play anything you want to." Leo smiled. They started to play with his little dog car he got from Jake. Then Marsh came down with Gabby slowly falling asleep again. Marsh put her on her play mat and sat down with his family. Gumball kissed him on the cheek.
"Is Gabby doing well?" He asked his husband. Lee nodded.
"What are my two boys doing?" Lee asked. Leo looked up.
"We're pwaying daddy." Leo was riding his dog car that Gumball fortunately put down the volume. Lee smiled. Gumball kissed Leo and Lee's cheek and got up.
"I'm going to get dinner started." Leo jumped off of his car and raced to Gumball.
"Can I help father?" Gumball shook his head.
"Sorry Leo. I don't want you to get hurt." Leo was mad and kicked his car toy which made it start barking, and Gabby cry. Marshall sighed once more and got up to get Gabby. Gumball came out and looked at Leo.
"Leo!" Gumball said in a angry tone. Leo huffed and turned into a bat and flew around the room. Gabrielle was scared and cried loudly. Gumball quickly got Leo down and put him in time out.
"Why!" Leo cried out loud.
"Because you woke up Gabby and scared her. Now sit there." Leo started to cry which made Gabby cry even louder. Marshall went to the kitchen to see Gumball.
"Gumball all this crying is giving me a really bad head ache." Gumball walked out of the kitchen and went to Leo.
"Leo you need to say sorry to Gabby for scarring her." Leo wiped away his tears and went to the kitchen.
"I'm sorry Gabby." She stopped crying and looked down at Leo. She smiled at him which made Leo smile. Gumball grabbed Gabrielle out of Marsh's hands and let the two play. (Well mostly Leo showing Gabby all of his toys while she just giggled.) Gumball came back in the kitchen and kissed Lee's lips. Lee smiled.
"Thanks. Now I still have this splitting head ach." Gumball smiled.
"Hold on." He went up to the cubbord and got a lollipop. Marshall was confused. "I made these just for head aches. Once your done with it, your head ache should be gone." Marshall hugged Gumball and kissed him on the lips. Gumball smiled. "Now go lay down. Dinner will be ready soon." Marshall left while sticking the sucker in his mouth. He lied down on the couch and watch his two kids play.
30 Minutes Later
Gumball was done making spaghetti for the family. Marshall got up and got Gabby. Lee flew to his highchair and waited to be served. Gumball came out with a blood bag for Gabby first and Lee fed her. Then he came out with two plates. He put on out for Leo and the other for Marsh. He then took Gabby and the blood away from him.
Marshall looked at him.
"Gummy, you don't have-" Gumball kissed him on the lips.
"I need to care for you too. You eat and once your done I'll eat." Lee smiled and ate. ⏳⏳⏳⏳⏳⏳⏳⌛⌛
Once Marshall was done he got up and got Gabby back who was fast asleep. Marshall turned to face Leo.
"Leo once your done, father will help you brush your teeth and get on your pj's and then time for bed." Leo nodded. Marshall headed upstairs to put Gabby in her crib. Leo was really quick to finish and Gumball ate his too. Leo had spaghetti all over his face. Gumball laughed.
"Why don't we get you a quick bath first." Leo smiled.
"Baf time!" He said giggling. Gumball smiled and took their plates to the sink. The Gumball came back and carried Leo to the bathroom. Leo took off his clothes while Gumball got the bath started. As soon as Leo was in Lee came in. Leo smiled.
"Hi daddy!" Marshall smiled.
"Hi baby boy." Gumball smiled at Marshall too.
"Hey Marsh. Is Gabby sleeping?" He asked getting the bubbles out for his son. Marshall nodded.
"I know she's going to wake up soon though. It's like if I'm not there, she feels like I'm not coming back." Gumball laughed while washing Leo's hair. Marshall noticed. "What's so funny?"
"Looks like she's a mommy's girl." Leo splashed around.
"Father! Pway wit me!" Leo said while there was soup all in his hair. Lee laughed.
"Looks like he's a daddy's boy." He kissed Leo and Gumball and walked out of the bathroom to get ready for bed himself. Gumball smiled. He washed Leo's hair and got rid of all the bubbles. He then drained the bathtub.
"Ok Leo time to get out." Leo changed into a bat and flew over to Gumball with a towel for him. They both started to laugh.
After Gumball read Leo a book Leo was asleep. He kissed his head and closed the door behind him. Je walked into his room and saw Marshall fell asleep reading a book too. PG smiled and got the book from Lee and covered him up. As soon as he got dressed he got in to bed too and wrapped his arms around Marshall's waist and pulled him closer to him. He soon fell asleep next to his husband.
12:00 AM
"Waaahhhh! Waaahhhh!" Marshall woke up to hear Gabby crying. He slowly got up and went to her room.
12:35 AM
Again Marshall was woke up by Gabby and went to check it out again. Gumball was sound asleep.
Marshall sighed.
"I'm coming baby girl." He whispered.
Marshall didn't bother to sleep that time and went over to her again.
Lee just stayed in Gabby's room this time.
"No wonder I nicknamed you Gabby." Marshall said.
Let's just say this kept going on till 7 in the morning.
Gumball woke up to hear Gabrielle crying.
"Marsh your turn." Marshall hit him with a pillow.
"NOT IN THE MOOD GUMBALL!" Gumball relized that Marsh had bags under his eyes from not sleeping at all last night. He lent over and kissed Marshall on the lips.
"I'm sorry Marsh." Marshall sighed. "You get some sleep and I'll get the kids ok." Marshall nodded and fell back into bed. Gumball smiled and got up.
"I'm comming Gabby."
"Me too father!" Leo yelled. Gumball laughed. "And you too Leo.

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