It was Leo's birthday today and the Vampire and Candy Kingdom were all helping to decorate the party. Marshall and Fionna were about to pop any minute but Marshall still helped. Fionna was sitting in a chair because her feet were hurting. Marshall floated up and put the streamers up. Gumball came over to him.
"Marsh, I don't want you to over work yourself."
"Gummy, I'm fine. I want to see my baby boy have his first birthday party." Marshall put his hands on his back, trying to ease it a little. PG gave him a look. "I'm fine ok. Please go get the cake and ice cream from the kitchen." He smiled and Gumball gave him a little kiss then headed to the kitchen. Fionna was holding on to Bella while Finn was holding on to Leo. They could walk now, but they would go and mess something up so they had to hold them. Bella was squirming in Fionna's lap.
"Pu me down." Leo was doing the same in Finn's lap.
"Me too." Finn picked up Leo.
"Little dude, do you know what day it is?" Leo shook his head. "Today is your first B-day party." Leo stared at him.
"What bday?" Finn smiled.
"Your birthday party." Bella was curious about this too.
"What a bifday party?" Fionna smiled and answered.
"It's when you were first born, everyone celebrated your coming to this world." She looked at her stomach.
"When it's birfday?" Fionna looked down.
"Pretty soon now." Lee came over and sat with the four and took Leo.
"How's my birthday boy?" Leo pouted. Finn noticed.
"Hey what's wrong little dude?"
"I won't want to share mine bifday with the baby." Marshall smiled.
"Don't worry Leo. Daddy will make sure your little brother/ sister will have it's birthday not on your day." Fionna teased.
"Well what if it's twins." Marshall shot her a look.
"Haha. Fi soooo funny. How's handling your baby." She shot him a look.
"Oh don't even go there." Finn was called over by Jake to help put the presents on the table. The two preggies were now talking while the two little ones were playing right beside them.
"So you had the food cravings?" Marshall smiled.
"Yeah. A couple of weeks ago I made Finn go to Breakfast Kingdom and get me some bacon. Do you have back pain." Lee nodded.
"Gumball put me on probation because I kept trying to get some more tables. But I'm kind of glad, my back was aching."
"Mine is right now." Marshall saw one of vampire and stopped her. "Hey Kelly, could you please grab two heating pads from upstairs please."
"Of course. Baby pain?"
"Back pain from the babies." Fionna added.
"I'll be right back." Gumball and Finn came over. Finn kissed Fionna while Gumball did the same to Lee.
"Hey are we almost done? Fi and I are kind of out of it." Gumball smiled.
"As soon as Jake puts up the disco ball, we are." Gumball picked up Leo and Marciline came over to pick up Bella. Kelly came back with the heating pads.
"I'm sorry Kelly we don't need them. Don't go back upstairs, just put them on the table." She did and they all headed to the dinning room. Gumball put Leo in his high chair. In front of him was a big pink cake. Marshall gave Gumball a glare.
"For this baby no pink, at all." Everyone laughed.
"Ok, ready to sing Happy Birthday everyone?" Everyone agreed.
"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to Leo! Happy Birthday to you." Leo tried to blow out his candles but he needed help from Bella. They blew out the candles. Marshall cut the cake up and gave everyone a piece. It was infinity cake so they had enough to feed the two kingdoms. Everyone was at the table eating their cake and ice cream. Marshall tried to eat, but he felt sick. Leo noticed.
"Daddy turning colors." Gumball looked over and saw Marshall a little pale.
"Hunny are you ok?" Marshall nodded.
"Leo it's present time." Leo clapped.
There was a huge pile of presents on the table. Simone went to the front.
"Open mine first little Leo." Leo (With the help of Gumball.) opened it. Marshall was taking pictures. Simone gave him a little crown that looked like hers with his name on it.
"Aww Simone. What do you say Leo?"
"Tank you." Gumball looked at Simone.
"This won't-"
"GUMBALL!" Gumball put the crown on Leo's head.
"Kidding, I'm kidding." After a while of opening up gifts. (To name a few: A punk rock shirt from Marcaline, a sticker from Bella, a singing flower from Bubblegum, new clothes from some of the vampires, new hats from the candy people, the list goes on.) The last gift was from Gumball and Marshall themselves. Lee was sitting down next to Fi. Leo opened it with Gumball. It was a seat and stool for potty training.
"What this?" Leo seemed confused. Gumball smiled.
"This is when your a little older, but daddy and father got it for you anyway. Soon you will be a big boy and use the potty instead of your diapers. This is so you don't have accidents." Leo laughed. "What's so funny Leo?"
"Daddy needs this too." Gumball looked over and saw Marshall talking to Fionna, both sitting down, and something dripping from below. Everyone starred at Marshall. Gumball gave Leo to Finn and Bubblegum did the same with Bella.
Marshall and Fionna were talking. Fionna noticed that Marshall spilled something, or that's what she thought.
"Marshall, did you spill something down there?" Marshall shook his head and looked down. His stomach killed him, it hurt so bad.
"FI! The baby is coming!" Fionna spat her drink out. Gumball went up to Marshall.
"Hunny, don't freak out. But your giving birth." Lee gave him a look.
"Wow, how did you find that out? Was it me dripping or me about to kill- AAAWWWW!!!!!" Marciline came over.
"We need to go now!" The two helped him to his bedroom. Leo did not like this at all.