Marshall was asleep when Gumball woke up. Gumball went over and kissed his cheek. He then went over to Leo's bed. He was staring at his dad, giggling. Gumball smiled and picked him up.
"Let's let daddy sleep for a little bit. There's a bag of blood that daddy left for you last night in the fridge though." After Gumball and Leo was dressed they went downstairs. He put Leo in his lap and let him suck some of Lee's blood. After he was done eating, he saw Peppermint Maid.
"Peppermint Maid." She was dusting, but came right over.
"Yes prince."
"I'm going to be doing an errand with Leo. Marshall Lee is a little sick, so can you make sure there is no loud noises that could possibly wake him up?"
"Yes sir. I will go make some honey tea for him. Does he like honey?" Gumball smiled and took Leo into his arms.
"Yes. Thank you Peppermint Maid. Your a real help." She curtsied for him and left for the honey tea. Gumball was about to leave when he bumped into Fionna, Cake, Jake, and Finn.
"Hey PG, we wanted to come over and hang out a bit." Fionna said.
"I'm kind of in a hurry. But you can go in. Help yourself to anything, but just don't wake up Marshall he's a little sick."
"Ok. Bye little Leo." Cake said and they all entered the palace.
Vampire Kingdom
Gumball came up to the desk. Sarah saw Leo and smiled.
"LEO! And you must be Marshall's partner to make this cutie." Gumball blushed.
"Yes. I would like to ask a favor." Sarah was popping her gum. Gumball was a little uneasy.
"Shoot doll."
"You see, Leo is sick, and he keeps drinking a LOT of Lee's blood. Now Lee is becoming really weak. So I was wondering if your vampires could all give Leo a pint of blood until Marshall is stronger." Sarah looked at him and kept popping her gum. Please say yes. And STOP chewing gum. That's like chewing me.
Candy Kingdom
Peppermint Maid brought Marshall some honey tea. She went by the couple's room and knocked.
"King Marshall, are you up." There was a pause.
"Yes come in Peppermint Maid." She could hardly understand him his throat was so dry. When she walked in Lee was sitting up blankets from his hips down. He was still pale and looked like he hasn't slept in weeks.
"Prince Gumball told me to fix you some tea before he left." PM gave him the tea. Marshall took the cup, but he was so stressed out and exhausted that it shook in his hands. He gave her back the cup.
"Thank you Peppermint Maid. But if you don't mind, I'm just going to lie down." PM nodded. She knew he was getting worst.
The four sat on the couch.
"I'm so BOARD!!" Fionna said. Finn liked Fionna and Fionna liked Finn. They just tell eachother yet.
"How about we go sliding down the stairs?" Finn suggested. Cake and Jake were showing baby pictures of their kids, so they weren't listing.
"Oh yeah!" They high fived eachother. After their hands let go they both blushed.
"I'll go get a couple of pans from the kitchen." Fionna said.
"I'll meet you upstairs." Finn said as he ran upstairs.
The Vampire Kingdom
The whole Vampire Kingdom was standing all together. A few of the vampires took their blood. (After Marshall told them not to drink it.) It took them a few hours, but they got 200 pints of blood. Gumball was so happy.
"Thank you everyone. You are making Leo get better and your king a lot stronger." Leo was in Gumball's arm smiling and giggling. The Vampire Kingdom gave him a bag that can hold anything. (It was a magic bag.) The two waved goodbye and headed home.
Candy Kingdom
Marshall was actually getting sleep for once. With Leo draining his blood and taking care of a kingdom, he was sleep deprived. All was going well, until he heard a loud crash that literally made him fall out of bed. WHAT WAS THAT!!! He thought. He got up and went out of the room.
Candy Kingdom
Finn was laying on top of Fionna. They kind of missed the stairs and went in the kitchen. Now there is an additional room. Jake and Cake ran in the kitchen.
"Are you two ok?" Cake asked.
"Yeah. Just a little bruised up." Finn said rubbing his arm. Marshall Lee stomped into the room. He looked at the big hole.
"What?... How?" Gumball entered the room. Marshall took Leo. "You talk to them." He then raced up in their room and slammed the door. Gumball gave a glare at them. Finn and Fionna smiled really big.
"We redecorated your living room PG." Fionna said. All Gumball could do was glare.
Later That Night
Gumball had punished the two teens by letting them do the grounds keepers work for two weeks. Their siblings told them that they weren't allowed to do Adventurers for that time being. Marshall Lee put Leo put Leo in his crib next door. Then came back and sat on their bed. Gumball came in and rubbed his shoulders.
"How about me and you take a relaxing bath together." Lee smiled the sighed.
"I don't know Gumball. I'm still tired."
"Come on. You need to relax a little." Marshall was really sore. It would feel nice getting a bath, rather then a 5 minute shower and someone calling they need you. Marshall nodded.
"You want some bubbles my king." Gumball tried to say in an accent. Lee smiled.
"The one that smells like you." They kissed on the lips. And Gumball went to start the bath. Marshall and Gumball went into the bathroom. Gumball started taking off Marshall's shirt.
"Gummy. I'm not Leo, I can take off my clothes myself." Gumball smiled.
"I know, but I want to make you feel like your one in a million." Lee blushed.
"Take it off then my pink prince." Gumball took off Lee's pants then his own clothes. They both got in the tub. Marshall laid back on PG's chest.
"Aww, this feels so nice."
"I told you. Now, are you feeling a little stronger?" Lee smiled.
"When I'm with you. I'm always strong." Lee leaned back and there was a popping sound from his back. Gumball was worried.
"Marsh, you ok?" Marshall was passed out. Gumball smiled. "That's my lovely Lee." He got out and Lee out. He got him and Lee dried off and dressed, and put him into bed. "Good night, Marshall." He kissed him on the lips.