Everyone was having a good time. Marshall Lee was showing Leo to everyone, and no one got into fights. Until:
"Hey!! Why did you spill PUNCH ON MY GF?!" Mack (one of the king's guards that will do whatever to protect the king.) said. Cinnamon Bunn accidentally spilled his punch while dancing with Cinnamon Lady Bunn. Finn and Fionna raced over to try to stop the fight.
"Hey dude, it was just an accident." Finn said. Fionna nodded.
"NO IT WASN'T!! The Candy Kingdom hate us VAMPIRES---"
"Mack that IS ENOUGH!" Marshall Lee said. It hurt him that his family and Gumball's couldn't get along. "I knew this was a bad idea." Lee took Leo out of Gumball's arms. "The party's over." He floated away. Gumball had pure rage in his eyes now. Both kingdoms were mad now.
"Look at what you stupid VAMPIRES DID!" Said one candy person.
"US! WHAT ABOUT YOU?!" They were both arguing now, then it became a fist fight. Finn and Fionna tried to stop the Vampires while Cake and Jake tried to stop the Candy's. That didn't go well. Gumball had about it. He took the microphone and yelled.
"QUIET NOW!!!!!" Everyone stopped and looked at the prince. "Marshall Lee has put a lot of work to this party. He basically planned it all out. All he wanted was to have a big happy kingdom and he couldn't get that. I'm sorry if you hate eachother, but all I'm asking you is ONE NIGHT, to actually get along. I thought my people were great. I created all of you..... and you let me down..... I hope your satisfied with yourseves." Gumball was about to walk away.
"WAIT!" Said Mack. "I'm sorry I got mad at you Cinnamon Bunn. It's just us Vampires have been judged since Marshall Lee was a kid. He use to tell us that people will hurt us because we're different, and not like them. But Prince Gumball after he met you he was actually smiling a lot. It took him forever to smile like that----"
"And we don't want him to go back to that gloomy side again." Said another vampire.
"We're sorry too. We were just scared." Said one candy.
"Ever since King Marshall Lee moved in with Gumball, I wasn't scared. They were a perfect family that should never be apart." Said Peppermint Maid. Gumball was smiling.
"We want to make it up to you two." Both the kingdoms said.
"Alright then. I'm going to get Marshall Lee." Prince Gumball raced upstairs to get Marshall Lee.